The Health Vote
- Health Care Voter219536
- Community Health Vote219537
- VotER219541
- Vote Health 2020219540
- Ballotpedia - 2020 presidential candidates on healthcare219308
- What the health care industry needs from the 2020 election - Fortune 30.09.20219311
- Trump vs Biden: Here are the health-care stocks that could benefit from the 2020 election - CNBC 28.09.20219309
- Which health care issues matter most to U.S. voters? - Common Wealth Fund 24.09.20219277
- Supreme Court vacancy makes health care leading issue in 2020 elections - Wall Street Journal 24.09.20219310
- Letter from the editor: Health and the 2020 US election - Medical News Today 24.09.20219276
- US elections 2020: How important is healthcare for voters? - Medical News Today 21.09.20219275
- Elections 2020: Voter psychology and how public health concerns affect political behavior - U.S. Department of State 04.09.20219279
- There's a new remedy for the sick: voting - wbur 06.08.20219539
- Where 2020 Democrats stand on health care - Washington Post 08.04.20219281
- The role of health care in the 2020 election - KFF 18.03.20219280
- Tracking the role of health care in the 2020 election - what do the polls tell us? - Jama Network 28.02.20219307
- U.S. elections 2020: understanding what's at stake for health care - NPR 29.01.20219278
- Report: Health care policy is undermined by voting barriers - The Century Foundation 09.05.18219538