The Green Vote
- Sierra Club - Politics52784
- Greenpeace: where's your 2020 candidate on climate?219509
- Environmental Voter219512
- Ballotpedia: 2020 presidential candidates on energy and environmental issues219510
- W. Watch: Keeping Tabs on the President's Environmental Record - Sierra Club52786
- We Act for Environmental Justice219521
- League of Conservation Voters52789
- Bloomberg - National Environmental Trust52791
- Environmental Defense Fund52792
- Environmental Working Group (EWG)52794
- Clean Water Action: 2020 California endorsements219522
- CEJA Action: Environmental justice voter guide 2020219524
- Forest Service (USDA)52795
- Georgia Conservation Voters (GCV)219526
- Environmental Protection Agency (official)52796
- Elders Climate Action219527
- Environment - elect.net52797
- Vote Climate U.S. PAC: 2020 Presidential candidates voter’s guide219525
- New Progressive Voter Guides Score Midterm Candidates on Climate, Abortion Rights - CD 25.10.22313320
- US election 2020: What is Trump's record on the environment? - BBC 12.10.20219508
- Climate is taking on a growing role for voters, research suggests - NY Times 24.08.20219520
- Electing a more sustainable future: how to vote for the environment this November - PEANC 05.06.20219513
- The environmental voter problem - GTM 01.08.19219528
- Environmentalists for Kerry-Edwards (Archive)52785
- Conservation College by Generation Y Vote (Archive)52798
- League of Conservation Voters Endorses Kerry (Archive)52790