- AIPAC419295
- AIPAC - Wikipedia419304
- Open Secrets - Pro-Israel Lobbying419303
- ISRAEL LOBBY in the United States - Wikipedia65522
- CRIMINAL STATE - Guilt by Association (USA & Israel Lobby)65523
- JStreet - pro-Israel, pro-peace Americans (the good guys)65524
- The ISRAEL LOBBY & U.S. FOREIGN POLICY - Mearsheimer (must read) *.pdf65525
- BOOK: The ISRAEL LOBBY and U.S. Foreign Policy 9/08 (Recommended Book)65532
- Here Is All the Money AIPAC Spent on the 2024 Elections - Sludge 24.01.25456444
- AIPAC Goes Transatlantic - CD 29.11.24444693
- Audio: Why Progressive Legislators Live in Fear of AIPAC - Intercept 02.11.24440513
- How Does AIPAC Shape Washington? We Tracked Every Dollar. - Intercept 24.10.24437699
- 'Very Bad Sign for Democracy': AIPAC Has Spent Over $100 Million on 2024 Elections - CD 28.08.24430988
- AIPAC Officially Surpasses $100 Million in Spending on 2024 Elections Donald Shaw - Sludge 27.08.24432741
- At DNC, the Squad Warns Democrats to Wake Up to the Threat of AIPAC - Intercept 24.08.24430445
- Video: Andy Levin, Pushed Out of Congress by AIPAC, Calls for Change in U.S.-Israel Policy - DN! 21.08.24429548
- Five things we learned from our reporting on the US’s pro-Israel lobby - Guardian 16.08.24428879
- AIPAC is growing desperate - Al Jazeera 11.08.24427673
- AIPAC millions take down second squad member Cori Bush - Intercept 06.08.24427858
- Groups Demand Probe of Israeli Influence Operations Targeting Americans - CD 24.07.24424709
- 'Dangerous Precedent': Record AIPAC Spending Helps George Latimer Defeat Jamaal Bowman - CD 26.06.24421318
- Progressives on AIPAC’s defeat of Bowman: “Noe we know how much it costs to buy an election" - Intercept 26.06.24421313
- The Israel Lobby vs a Pro-Palestine Socialist in Brooklyn - Jacobin 24.06.24420451
- AIPAC vs. Jamaal Bowman: Rep. Ayanna Pressley on Pro-Israel Lobby Push to Defeat Pro-Ceasefire Lawmaker - DN! 24.06.24423660
- AIPAC, AOC and the American Left's Antisemitism Problem - Haaretz 13.06.24419317
- Bowman Opponent Accused of 'Straight Up Islamophobia' During Debate - CD 11.06.24418365
- “Propaganda Machine”: NY Congressmember Jamaal Bowman on AIPAC’s $25 Million Campaign to Unseat Him - DN! 06.06.24418296
- New York race for US House becomes latest Israel lobby battleground - Reuters 17.05.24419294
- As Biden warns against Rafah invasion, AIPAC pushes Congress to support Israel's operation - Intercept 08.05.24419300
- The Israel Lobby Matters - Jacobin 08.05.24419299
- The Council on Foreign Relations, the Israel Lobby, and the War on Gaza - Monthly Review 01.05.24419319
- We need to talk about the pro-Israel lobby in the UK - Mondoweiss 28.04.24411384
- The pro-Israel groups planning to spend millions in US elections - Guardian 22.04.24419293
- Pro-Israel US groups plan $100m effort to unseat progressives over Gaza - Guardian 20.04.24419298
- Video: John Mearsheimer: Israel lobby’s influence on US policy as powerful as ever - Al Jazeera 29.03.24419297
- How pro-Israel groups are redrawing America’s political landscape - National News 25.03.24419313
- AIPAC Talking Points Revealed - TAP 14.03.24419306
- Israel Lobby Pushes Lie That People Are Not Starving in Gaza: Report - Rolling Stone 14.03.24419309
- Pro-Israel Lobby Faces Challenges Amid Gaza War and Shifting Politics - NY Times 13.03.24419305
- More than 20 progressive groups form a coalition to counter pro-Israel groups before the election - AP News 11.03.24419312
- The Left is finally building a response to AIPAC - Intercept 11.03.24419308
- ‘Reject AIPAC’: US progressives join forces against pro-Israel lobby group - Al Jazeera 11.03.24419296
- AIPAC uncorks $100 million war chest to sink progressive candidates - Politico 03.03.24419307
- AIPAC, Explained: The Inside Story of America's Powerful and Divisive pro-Israel Lobby - Haaretz 28.02.24419301
- AOC Calls AIPAC “NRA of Foreign Policy” Over Right-Wing, Pro-Israel Attacks - Truthout 23.02.24419318
- 'Strategic interests' and lobby power: The influences behind Biden’s support for Israel - Al Jazeera 30.01.24419302
- Video: AIPAC vs. AOC & The Squad: Pro-Israel Lobby Group to Spend $100M to Target Progressive Lawmakers - DN! 02.01.24419316
- The Zionist lobby: myth and reality - Counterfire 01.01.24419310
- You Won’t Believe How Much AIPAC Is Spending to Target the Squad in 2024 - TNR 15.11.23419315
- How The Israel Lobby Silenced Democratic Dissent - The Lever 14.11.23419311
- The Pro-Israel Lobbies and the Israel/Palestine Conundrum - TRT 08.11.23419320
- Video: Most controversial criticism of Israel lobby influence | John Mearsheimer and Lex Fridman 11/23 (must watch)385749
- The Danger of Banning Foreign Lobbying - Foreign Affairs 03.09.20416605
- How (and How Not) to Talk About the Israel Lobby - FP 15.02.19419314
- Video: The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy: John J. Mearsheimer - University of Chicago 8/15277461
- Federal anti-discrimination law being used to shut down criticism of occupation - Mondoweiss 3/1365526
- Pro-Israel PACs Are Subverting Open Debate and Free Elections - CD 08.08.22302555
- Washington Times Smears J Street Over Soros Gifts - Richard Silverstein 10/1065533
- Soros revealed as funder of liberal Jewish-American lobby - Washington Times 9/1065534
- Billionaire George Soros revealed as mystery J Street donor - Haaretz 9/1065535
- American public opinion and the special relationship with Israel - John Mearsheimer 9/1065536
- A Wrench in the Israeli Gears - Counterpunch 3/1065542
- The New Israel Lobby - NY Times 9/0965543
- US Envoy Writes of Israeli Threats - Nation 3/0965545
- The Israel Lobby Revisited 12/0765546
- The pro-israel lobby. The debate between James Petras and Norman Finkelstein - James Petras 08.02.0765552
- Prof. John Mearsheimer on the Israel Lobby 8/06 - YouTube65553
- AIPAC's Dangerous Grip on Washington - AlterNet 7/0665554
- The Israel Lobby: How Powerful is it Really? - FPIF 5/0665555
- Noam Chomsky and the pro-Israel lobby: Fourteen erroneous theses - James Petras 4/0665556
- The Israel Lobby - John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt 3/0665562