Books, Films & Videos
- INSIDE JOB ! - a must see film181269
- CAPITALISM: A Love Story - Film by Michael Moore181270
- Sanders Calls For 21st Century Bill of Rights 6/19 (must see)186564
- Peasants for Plutocracy: How the Billionaires Brainwashed America - YouTube 5/16181273
- Oligarchs Are Our Modern Day Kings (must watch) - Bernie Sanders 11.02.25458589
- How Dark Money Convinced You to Vote for Monsters - DDN 25.10.20222111
- PLUTOCRACY Political Repression In The U.S.A. (2015) HQ FULL181274
- Plutocracy I: Political Repression in the USA - YouTube 8/16181277
- Plutocracy II: Solidarity Forever - YouTube 8/16181278
- Video: What the 1% Don't Want You to Know - YouTube 18.04.14284728
- Video: Bill Moyers Essay: The End Game for Democracy - YouTube 23.08.13284731
- Book: All the Presidents' Bankers: The Hidden Alliances that Drive American Power (Nomi Prins)181281
- Book: The Payoff: Why Wall Street Always Wins181282
- The CORPORATION - Full Movie 10/11181285
- Citigroup - Plutonomy Reports (Scribd)181286
- Wealth and Democracy: A Political History of the American Rich (amazon)181289
- Video: All About Fascism, Oligarchy & Plutocracy in America - Thom Hartmann 1/15181290
- Beyond Plutocracy - True Democracy for America (book)181293
- Corporate Predators: The Hunt for Mega-Profits and the Attack on Democracy 2/99 (amazon)181294
- Corporate Predators - a book by Mokhiber and Weissman (Archive)181297