America = Oligarchy ?
- Wealth of Global Billionaires Surged by $10 Billion Per Day in January - CD 25.02.25458921
- The Ukraine minerals deal is a perfect metaphor for Trump’s foreign policy - CNN 21.02.25458225
- Video: LIVE: Oligarchy, Authoritarianism & Kleptocracy in America (must watch) - Senator Bernie Sanders 04.02.25459610
- When the Oligarchs get together! - Counter Currents 22.01.25458224
- Video: Welcome to the world of oligarchy. - Senator Bernie Sanders 20.12.24451186
- Sanders Says There Is No Choice: 'We Must Defeat the Oligarchs' - CD 30.11.24443397
- Video: What Aristotle Knew About Oligarchy That We Forgot (must watch) - Legendary Lore 11.09.24451213
- Bernie Is Right: Extreme Wealth Concentration Has Turned America Into an Oligarchy - Jacobin 10.20.22360892
- Found in translation: New York Times says Democrats shouldn't challenge oligarchy - CD 10.11.21262094
- Tweet: "The oligarchs have discovered the formula for persuading the poor to vote for the interests of the very rich” - @DoubleDownNews 19.09.24441602
- Video : "The oligarchs have discovered the formula for persuading the poor to vote for the interests of the very rich” - DDN on Twitter 19.09.20220848
- Bill Moyers on America’s Mad Dash Toward OLIGARCHY 4/14181369
- How to End Crony Capitalism - Common Dreams 10/17181370
- The Rise of the Oligarchs - Al Jazeera's Empire 24.05.15181373
- The Long, Dark Shadows of Plutocracy - Bill Moyers 11/14181374
- The US is an oligarchy, (Princeton & Northwestern) study concludes ! - Telegraph 4/14181377
- New Study Finds United States is an Oligarchy - Chris Hayes 4/14181378
- Krugman: Worried About Oligarchy? You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet 4/14181381
- We're living in a plutonomy - Telegraph 4/06181382
- Plutonomy and the Precariat - Noam Chomsky, Nation 5/12181385
- Plutocracy Now: What Wisconsin Is Really About - MoJo 2/11181386
- Citigroup's Shocking 'Plutonomy' Reports - h/t Michael Moore - Daily Cos 10/09181389
- Citigroup 2006: America - A Modern Day Plutonomy - IB Times 9/09181390
- Who Rules America? - Prof. James Petras 1/07181393
- Alan Greenspan, Egalitarian? 11/05181394
- Plutocracy, U.S.A. 10/01181397