Women's Rights in Egypt
- National Council for Women98362
- Egyptian Center for Women's Rights98366
- HarassMap: where are sexual assaults happening in Egypt? - Guardian98367
- Hania Moheeb, sexual harassment and the revolution - Counterfire 16.07.1398368
- Rising Up Against Sexual Violence: An Interview with Yasmin El-Rifae of Operation Anti-Sexual Harassment - jadaliyya 12.07.1398369
- The National Council for Women’s Response to the Muslim Brotherhood’s Statement on the Proposed Agreed Conclusions by the 57th Session of the Commission on the Status of Wome…98374
- Muslim Brotherhood Statement Denouncing UN Women Declaration for Violating Sharia Principles - 14.03.1398375
- Why are sex attacks on the rise in Tahrir Square? - BBC 15.02.1398379
- The status of Egyptian women in 2012 - ECWR98380
- Mona Eltahawy: women's rights 'disaster' looms in Egypt BBC 24.10.1298381
- Egypt's sexual harassment of women 'epidemic' - BBC 03.09.1298382
- Women protest against army violence - BBC 20.12.1198386
- 'Virginity tests' on Egypt protesters are illegal, says judge - Guardian 27.12.1198387
- Feminism and the Arab Spring: Reflections on the Anniversary of Hoda Shaarawi’s Passing - Al-Akhbar 12/1198388
- Egypt's revolution through the eyes of five women - BBC 13.04.1198389
- The Muslim Sisterhood: Visions of Female Identity in the New Egypt - Spiegel 01.04.1198394
- Egypt women protesters forced to take 'virginity tests' - BBC 24.03.1198395
- A woman's place in the new Egypt - BBC 23.03.1198396
- Egypt veiled presenters back on screen - Al Arabiya 13.03.1198400
- Female activists call for abolition of women's quota - Al-Masry Al-Youm 13.03.1198401
- Tahrir Square women's march marred by rival protest - Guardian 09.03.1198403
- Egypt's revolution means nothing if its women are not free - Guardian 09.03.1198407
- Million woman march called for by Cairo activists - Guardian 07.03.1198408
- Women Fight to Maintain Their Role in the Building of a New Egypt - NY Times 05.03.1198409
- Women of the revolution - Al-Jazeera 19.02.1198410
- What About The Women? – The Politicization Of The Assault On Lara Logan - Countercurrents 19.02.1198414
- Mother of the revolution (Nawal el-Saadawi) - Aljazeera 14.02.1198415
- Women’s empowerment in the Egyptian revolution - Ahram Online 13.02.1198416