NGOs & Unions
- Taksim Dayanışması 349178
- Taksim Platformu - Taksim Hepimizin (English language)130545
- Capul tv130547
- occupygezipics tumblr130548
- Publication : Handbook for Nonviolent Campaigns - Siddetsizkampanya El Kitabi - (Turkish language)130549
- Amnesty International Turkey130550
- Amnesty International News130551
- Human Rights Watch News130552
- Greenpeace Turkey - Turkish130553
- TEMA Environment Foundation - Istanbul130554
- Nefes Alma Hakkımız İçin Gezi Parkı’ndayız! - TEMA130555
- Turkish Medical Association (TTB) - Turkish130556
- Head of Turkish Medical Association is arrested after calling for investigation of army - BMJ 27.10.22130557
- Confederation of Public Workers' Unions (KESK) - Turkish130558
- Confederation of Public Workers' Unions - Wikipedia130559
- Confederation of Revolutionary Trade Unions of Turkey (DISK) - Turkish130561
- Confederation of Revolutionary Trade Unions of Turkey - Wikipedia130562
- Human Rights Associations (Turkey)130563
- Human Rights Foundation of Turkey130564
- Union of Turkish Bar Associations130565
- Housmans World Peace Database130566
- Reporters Without Borders - Turkey130567
- Mazlumder - Genez Merkez130568
- Claudia Roth (Germany)130569
- IFEX - Turkey130570
- Education and Science Workers' Union (Eğitim-Sen)349155
- Istanbul Bar Association349156
- Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects (TMMOB)349157
- Turkish Journalists' Association (TGC) 349158