Relief NGOs - support!
- Rapid Needs Assessment Report: Aleppo City, Severe food shortages were reported by 88% of respondents, with 49% of males and 39% of females headed households affected - Welth…446847
- Syria Emergency Response Situation Report No.1 - International Medical Corps 18.12.24446110
- SARD Rapid Needs Assessment, Syria (December 2024) - SARD 17.12.24446107
- Doctors of the World: Humanitarian response in Syria - Médecins du Monde 17.12.24446108
- Displacement from Northwest to Northeast Syria - Northeast Syria NGO Forum 17.12.24446109
- The Netherlands makes its fourth generous contribution to the SRTF - Syria Recovery Trust Fund 17.12.24446106
- FCA aims to gradually resume project work in Syria: With 16.7 million people in Syria in dire need of humanitarian assistance - Finn Church Aid 16.12.24446075
- UK Charity Human Appeal Ramps Up Aid to Syria - Human Appeal 16.12.24446072
- Qatar Charity Sends Urgent Humanitarian Aid Convoy to the Syrian People - Qatar Charity 15.12.24446074
- UK announces £50 million package of international aid to help the most vulnerable Syrians, including refugees across the region - GOV.UK 15.12.24446069
- WFP Syria Emergency Response - External Situation Report No.01 - World Food Programme 15.12.24446070
- SARD Statement on the Humanitarian Situation in Syria: Strategic Response and Future Plans - SARD 14.12.24446138
- EU launches Humanitarian Air Bridge operation for Syria to deliver emergency supplies and boosts humanitarian funding - European Commission' 13.12.24446136
- Syria: update on the situation and activities of Médecins sans Frontières in the north of the country - Médecins Sans Frontières 13.12.24446139
- WFP scales up food aid distributions in crisis-hit Syria - World Food Programme 12.12.24446134
- In Syria, our work continues, and we are assessing how we can help in newly accessible areas - People in Need 12.12.24446135
- Massive scaling up of humanitarian response required in Syria to address 90% in deep poverty - Trócaire 12.12.24446137
- We stand ready to support the Syrian people to transition to a future of opportunity and prosperity, lead their lives in dignity and fulfill their ambitions - UNDP 12.12.24446133
- Syria: "Psychological support is important right now" - Malteser International 11.12.24444882
- Whole of Syria Nutrition Cluster Statement: Protecting Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition during the Emergency Response in Syria - Nutrition Cluster 06.12.24444181
- Supporting children through Syria's transition: The safety and well-being of the children and young people in our care remain our top priority amid the evolving situation in …444232
- As a New Day Arrives, the Syrian American Medical Society Begins to Serve a Unified Syria - Syrian American Medical Society Foundation 09.12.24444233
- Humanitarian Situation Overview in Syria (HSOS) Northwest Syria - October 2024 - REACH Initiative 27.11.24442985
- Humanitarian Situation Overview in Syria (HSOS) Northeast Syria - October 2024 - REACH Initiative 27.11.24442984
- Syria: Federation-wide National Society Revised Response Plan - Middle East Complex-Emergency Emergency Appeal (13 November 2024) - International Federation of Red Cross and …440701
- Syria’s humanitarian crisis is deepening and widening. In addition to pre-existing caseload of 16.7 million persons in need of humanitarian assistance, since 24 September, 51…440823
- Voices from Syria 2024: Assessment Findings of the Humanitarian Needs Overview - United Nations Population Fund 10.11.24440910
- 39 Humanitarian and Syrian NGOs Call for More Sustainable, Locally Driven Cross-border Aid Effort - Refugees International 21.09.22309011
- Critical Response and Funding Requirements - Response to the Water Crisis in Syria - UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs 15.09.22307537
- 3RP Regional Strategic Overview 2022, strategic, coordination, planning, advocacy, fundraising, and programming platform for humanitarian and development partners to respond …305063
- Humanitarian Situation Overview in Syria (HSOS): Greater Idleb Area, July 2022 - REACH Initiative 31.08.22302875
- Humanitarian Situation Overview in Syria (HSOS) Northeast Syria - July 2022 - REACH Initiative 31.08.22302915
- Trump freezes funding for 'White Helmet' volunteers as part of larger cut to Syrian aid - PRI 04.05.18110871
- #SupportSyrians110872
- How to help Syrian refugees - CNN110877
- Syrian Arab Red Crescent110878
- Syrian Arab Red Crescent - SARC110879
- Syria Relief (UK)110883
- Syria Relief & Development110884
- Siege Watch - project aims to provide the international community with up-to-date information on Syria’s besieged communities110885
- Supporting Syria & the region - London 2016110886
- British Solidarity for Syria (BSS) - Facebook110890
- BSS Syria - Twitter110891
- Islamic Relief USA - Syrian Humanitarian Relief110892
- Twitter - AidForSyria (no warranty)110893
- Syrian Red Crescent - Twitter110897
- Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC) - Wikipedia110898
- Syrian Arab Red Crescent leader killed 25.01.12110899
- Union of Syrian Medical Relief Organisations110900
- Care International - Syria Crisis110904
- UNICEF - Children in Syria Under Siege Campaign110906
- UNHCR - Syria Refugee Emergency110907
- International Medical Corps - Syria110911
- WFP - Syrian Arab Republic110905
- Save the Children - Syria Refugee Relief110912
- SARD Flash Report 04: Humanitarian Situation and Response in Syria (19 December 2024) - SARD 19.12.24447056
- IBC Syria Update Summary: the situation has stabilized in several areas of Syria, though insecurity remains a major concern in regions such as Menbij in Aleppo governorate an…447068
- Following the clashes that erupted in Aleppo on 27 November, consequently leading to a fundamental shi> in the situation in Syria, UNHCR maintained its presence and continued…448045
- Successful completion of a healthcare project in Northern Aleppo: Transforming lives in underserved communities - Syria Recovery Trust Fund 07.01.25449170
- Syria Operation Emergency Telecommunications Cluster (ETC) Services Dashboard, December 2024 - Emergency Telecommunications Cluster 03.01.25449361
- Syria - Humanitarian impact overview (October–December 2024) - ACAPS 06.01.25449369
- Syria Cross-border Humanitarian Fund: 2024 First Reserve Allocation Dashboard - UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs 23.01.25452207
- Qatar Fund for Development dispatched 28 Tonnes of Humanitarian Aid to Damascus to Support the Brotherly Syrian People - Qatar Fund for Development 22.01.25452558
- Syria Relief454695
- Syrian American Medical Society Foundation454697
- Syria Relief & Development (SRD)454698
- Northwest Syria NGO Forum454980