War Crimes in Ukraine
- Russia suspended from human rights council after UN general assembly vote - Guardian 07.04.22283111
- Should the ICC accept Western funding for its probe in Ukraine? - Al Jazeera 07.04.22281661
- WHO records 100th attack on health care in Ukraine - Relief Web 07.04.22281672
- As Russia faces ‘genocide’ charge, experts urge caution - Al Jazeera 06.04.22281671
- Russian war crimes in Ukraine: So much for ‘never again’ - Politico 06.04.22281636
- Satellite companies join the hunt for Russian war crimes - Politico 06.04.22281632
- War crimes probe for victims of Ukraine atrocity - UN News 06.04.22281324
- Video: Is Russia committing atrocities in Ukraine? - Al Jazeera 05.04.22281352
- The tragedy of Mariupol - Ukraine.ua 05.04.22339847
- Ukraine in Flames: Deportations, torture and terror in occupied territories - Ukraine Crisis Media Center 05.04.22281286
- Bucha victim: ‘Russian troops beat me, doused me in diesel fuel’ - Al Jazeera 05.04.22281346
- Biden calls for Putin to face war crimes trial after Bucha killings - BBC 05.04.22281257
- What is a war crime and could Putin be prosecuted over Ukraine? - BBC 05.04.22281258
- What Is a War Crime? Russia Faces Accusations as Civilian Casualties in Ukraine Grow - WSJ 05.04.22281260
- War Crimes Trials Aren’t Enough - FP 05.04.22281264
- Apparent war crimes by Russian forces in Bucha must be investigated - Amnesty 04.04.22281536
- Bucha atrocities show Putin is ‘war criminal’, Biden says - Al Jazeera 04.04.22281335
- Tweet: Investigators in Russia review Russian massacre in Bucha aiming to declare it “fake,” making it a felony to distribute. The first rule of War Crimes Club is you don’t …283190
- ‘War crime’ killings near Kyiv raise international outcry, as frontline shifts - Arab News 04.04.22334380
- Biden Demands War Crimes Trial for Putin, But Will US End Its Opposition to ICC? - CD 04.04.22283168
- Explainer: How could Russia's Putin be prosecuted for war crimes in Ukraine? - Reuters 04.04.22281267
- ‘It was a controlled shot’: Witness describes Bucha killings - Al Jazeera 04.04.22281539
- Kremlin reverts to type in denial of alleged war crimes in Ukraine’s Bucha - Guardian 04.04.22281259
- How, if at all, might Russia be punished for its war crimes in Ukraine? - Economist 04.04.22281262
- ‘Massacre of innocents’: how the papers covered Russia’s atrocities in Bucha - Guardian 04.04.22288538
- Ukraine villagers describe cruel and brutal Russian occupation - Washington Post 04.04.22281288
- Video: Russian War Crimes in Ukraine - Novara Media 04.04.22281612
- Video: 'They Killed People Systematically': Bucha Residents Allege War Crimes By Expelled Russian Forces - Radio Free Europe 04.04.22281292
- Ukraie symposium - A war crimes primer on the Ukraine-Russia conflict - Lieber Institute 04.04.22305246
- Apparent War Crimes in Russia-Controlled Areas - HRW 03.04.22281256
- Evidence of Russian War Crimes, Says Leading Human Rights Group - CD 03.04.22283169
- How alleged atrocities in Bucha compare to previous Putin campaigns - Guardian 03.04.22288539
- Horror, Outrage Grow As Scenes Of Carnage Emerge In Ukraine's Bucha - RFERL 03.04.22324578
- Rape as a weapon: huge scale of sexual violence inflicted in Ukraine emerges - Guardian 03.04.22281284
- Russia accused of ‘apparent war crimes’, Moscow denies killing civilians in Bucha - Arab News 03.04.22313279
- ‘They were all shot’: Russia accused of war crimes as Bucha reveals horror of invasion - Guardian 03.04.22288541
- Ex-UN prosecutor urges global arrest warrant for Putin - AP News 02.04.22282500
- The Military Situation In The Ukraine - Jacques Baud 01.04.22 (must read)281396
- Russia’s cruel siege warfare tactics unlawfully killing civilians - Amnesty 01.04.22281538
- Ukraine accuses Russian troops of taking children hostage and using them as human shields on their way out of Kyiv - Business Insider 01.04.22281294
- Russia attacks cities with widely condemned cluster munitions - Public Integrity 31.03.22281281
- How war crimes investigators do their jobs in evidence-rich Ukraine - CS Monitor 31.03.22281919
- More than 400,000 Ukrainians 'forcibly displaced to Russia', claims Ukraine's ombudswoman - Euronews 30.03.22282839
- Concern over the abduction and torture of civilians in territories under Russian control - OMCT 29.03.22281287
- Reports of sexual violence involving Russian soldiers are multiplying, Ukrainian officials say - NY Times 29.03.22281285
- Ukraine To Investigate Reports Of War Crimes Against Russian Troops - RFERL 28.03.22328447
- WHO says attacks on health facilities are rising daily - BBC 26.03.22281290
- Satellite images show Russian tent camp for Ukrainians near Mariupol as claims of forced deportations grow - inews 26.03.22282722
- Russia's onslaught on Ukrainian hospitals - AP News 25.03.22281263
- Ukraine reports 300 dead in airstrike on Mariupol theater - AP News 25.03.22281297
- International coalition to support ICC Russian war crimes investigation - Gov.UK 24.03.22281303
- Proving war crimes is a legal long throw - CS Monitor 23.03.22281921
- Video: Are war crimes being committed in Ukraine? - Al Jazeera 21.03.22281265
- Spotlight on Civilian Harm in the Mariupol Theater Airstrike - CSIS 21.03.22281298
- Russia’s Use of Cluster Munitions and Other Explosive Weapons Shows Need for Stronger Civilian Protections - Just Security 21.03.22281280
- Attacks on Ukraine’s hospitals are deliberate and brutal. The world must respond to these acts of terror - Conversation 18.03.22281291
- US, EU condemn Russian 'war crimes' — as it happened - DW 17.03.22281268
- Ukraine: Cluster Munitions Repeatedly Used on Mykolaiv - HRW 17.03.22281920
- The online volunteers hunting for war crimes in Ukraine - MIT 16.03.22281269
- Putin’s War on Ukrainian Children - Forbes 14.03.22281301
- Ukraine opens website to submit Russia war crime allegations - Jerusalem Post 10.03.22281274
- 15 tips for investigating war crimes in Ukraine and beyond - Reuters 09.03.22281272
- Crimes and responsibility: All quiet on the Western front - Business Standard 09.03.22327394
- Cluster Bombs: Russia Accused of Using Banned Munitions Every Day - CNet 06.03.22281282
- Digital detectives scour Ukraine social media for evidence of Russian war crimes - Politico 04.03.22281273
- ICC begins collecting evidence of war crimes; more talks to begin – as it happened - Guardian 03.03.22277955
- ICC launches war crimes investigation over Russian invasion of Ukraine - Guardian 03.03.22275353
- Video: ICC probes alleged Russian use of cluster munitions in Ukraine - Al Jazeera 03.03.22281279
- Researchers gather evidence of possible Russian war crimes in Ukraine - Guardian 02.03.22275083
- UK leads call for ICC to investigate Russia’s war crimes - Gov.UK 02.03.22281270
- Russian use of cluster munitions in Ukraine ‘may be a war crime’ - Canary 28.02.22275664
- ICC to launch probe into possible war crimes - Al Jazeera 28.02.22274961
- Statement of ICC Prosecutor, Karim A.A. Khan QC, on the Situation in Ukraine: “I have decided to proceed with opening an investigation.” - ICC 28.02.22281266
- Amnesty Says Russia's 'Indiscriminate Attacks' in Ukraine May Be War Crimes - Common Dreams 25.02.22274453
- Russian Cluster Munition Hits Hospital - HRW 25.02.22281289
- 'War Is A Crime Against Humanity' - Peace News 24.02.22276638
- In memoriam: Year Zero: The Silent Death of Cambodia (1979) - by John Pilger (recommended)281710
- Security Council Split over Russian Federation’s Mid-range Ballistic Strikes, Ukraine’s Use of Western-supplied Long-range Missiles - UN Security Council 27.11.24443183
- Speakers in Security Council raise alarm over involvement of Pyongyang’s troops in war against Ukraine - UN Security Council 16.01.25451237