Government Inaction on Tax Dodging
- UK governments are failing to curb corporate tax abuses and leaving people to pay the price - LFF 14.03.25461811
- Britain is a notorious haven for dirty money – MPs now have the chance to crack down - Guardian 04.09.23370264
- Pandora papers: media rage at billionaire tax cheats ignores Boris Johnson’s failure to reform tax havens - Conversation 06.10.21256962
- Parliament Moves To Block UK As Safe Haven For Dirty Money - In Depth News 04.05.18148445
- Biggest move against corruption in years – UK government votes for transparency - Global Witness 01.05.18148446
- New UK tax evasion penalties come into force - FT 01/01/17148447
- How do Tories catch tax dodgers? By cutting HMRC's budget by £400 million between now and 2020 - Ripped Off Britons 14.04.16148448
- David Cameron’s EU intervention on trusts set up tax loophole - FT 06.04.16148449
- Failing to provide the resources HMRC needs to tackle tax abuse is in itself a form of corruption - Tax Research UK 04.06.16148450
- Taxman has no strategy to catch wealthy dodgers, say MPs - Guardian 15.04.16148451
- Tories lobbying to protect Google’s £30bn island tax haven - Guardian 30.01.16148453
- Now the Tories are allowing big business to design their own tax loopholes - Guardian 10/15148454
- Cameron crackdown on tax havens 'purely political gesture', says Tory peer - Guardian 15.04.15148455
- George Osborne says HSBC tax evasion prosecutions not his job - Guardian 20.02.15148456
- Private equity bosses using £700m tax ‘loophole’ – and donating to the Tories - Independent 19.02.15148457
- Osborne advised using financial loopholes to avoid tax and care costs - Guardian 16.02.15148458
- Tax avoiders and hedge funds. The Tories invited them to the party … - Guardian 15.02.15148459
- The tax-dodging father, the benefits cheat – and how they are treated so differently - Guardian 14.02.15148460
- The Guardian view on tax dodging: a creative industry that demands an equally creative response - Guardian 13.02.15148461
- HSBC leaks: Tories received more than £5m from Swiss bank account holders - Independent 11.02.15148462
- MPs knew of HSBC Swiss tax evasion claims in 2011 - Guardian 10.02.15148463
- George Osborne’s Google tax doesn’t add up to a radical reform - Guardian 03.12.14148464
- George Osborne on offensive over tax abuse but admits deficit target missed - Guardian 02.12.14148465
- Treasury blasted for not clamping down on billions in tax relief fraud - Independent 11/14148466
- Tax relief schemes ‘losing billions’ for Treasury claims Whitehall watchdog - Guardian 11/14148467
- George Osborne’s ‘Google tax’: chancellor’s bite may match his bark - Guardian 26.09.14148468
- The UK is becoming a tax haven for multinationals at the expense of domestic shopkeepers - Telegraph 25/05/14148469
- Osborne plans to take 'pay now, argue later' approach with rich tax avoiders - Guardian 19.03.14148470
- FactCheck: Did MPs cherry pick the HMRC’s tax avoidance figures? - Channel 4, 19.12.13148471
- The coalition's over-optimism on tax avoidance could mean more tax rises or cuts - New Statesman 12/13148472
- Chancellor's £9bn tax avoidance claims met with scepticism by campaigners (Guardian, 12/13)148473
- Britain rules the world of tax havens, Queen is warned - Guardian 11/13148474
- Tax avoidance soars to £35billion under David Cameron despite coalition promise of crackdown (Mirror, 10/13)148475
- Despite the tough talk, this government is far too soft on tax evasion - Guardian 10/13148476
- Osborne's Swiss tax crackdown falling short (Telegraph, 10/13)148477
- Osborne, hypocrite over tax avoidance, caught out (Left Future, 09/2013)148478
- Nearly 3/4 of Top Tory Donors Linked to Tax Havens - Political Scrapbook 20.06.13148479
- Cameron slated on tax dodge moves - Failed Policies Undermine G8 Hopes (WaronWant, 06/13)148480
- Fact Check: Tough on Tax? (Channel 4, 05/13)148481
- Cameron’s tax havens summit ‘all show and no substance’ (WaronWant, 06/13)148482
- Fact Check Update: Another Tax Loophope (Channel 4, 06/13)148483
- Fact Check: Have We Really Tamed the Tax Havens? (Channel 4, 06/13)148484
- Are Cameron and Osborne serious about stamping on tax avoidance? 2/13148485
- Osborne’s Budget ‘tax sham’ to give a green light to corporate tax avoiders148486
- You think the government is fighting tax avoidance? Think again - Guardian 03.13148487
- George Osborne vows to stamp out corporate tax avoidance - Guardian 2/13148488
- Big UK tax avoiders will easily get round new government policy - Guardian 2/13148489
- Campaigners slam Osborne's hollow tax plans (WaronWant, 12/12)148490
- Osborne’s smoke and mirrors over tax avoidance (Left Futures, 12/12)148491
- The Government's New Rules Won't Stop Companies Avoiding Tax (Huffington Post, 12/12)148492
- Fact Check: Cracks on the Crackdown on Tax Avoiders? (Channel 4, 12/12)148493
- FactCheck: Why Danny Alexander won’t cure our tax haven habit (Channel 4, 08/12)148494
- Charity asks UK to reverse move that could cost developing countries £4bn - Guardian 8/12148495
- Chancellor prepares to 'name and shame' tax-avoiding banks - Guardian 6/12148496
- Collateral damage: How government plans to water down UK anti-tax haven rules could cost developing countries – and the UK – billions (ActionAid, 03/12)148497
- George Osborne drafts new law on corporate tax dodgers - Guardian 2/12148498
- The UK-Swiss tax agreement: doomed to fail - Tax Justice Network 10/11 *.pdf148499
- Treasury's plans for tax avoidance rule sound like fantasy - Guardian 09.12.10148501
- George Osborne Cancels £6bn Vodafone Tax Bill 11/10148502