Corporate Power & Lobbying
- Download our UK Politics RSS File & import it to your reader for all the best newsfeeds on UK Democracy, Elections & Lobbying154524
- Spinwatch !154528
- Spinwatch - Lobbying154529
- Spinwatch - Finance Lobbying154530
- PowerBase's Lobbying Portal - your guide to networks of power and deceptive PR !154534
- Transparency International - UK Corruption154535
- Transparency Matters Campaign154536
- Transparency UK - Publications on UK Corruption154540
- Infographic: Dirty Busines - Just How Clean is Britain (Transparency UK) 154541
- Alliance for Lobbying Transparency154542
- Who is Lobbying UK154547
- Hansard Society - Accountability & Transparency in the UK154551
- Guardian - Articles on Lobbying154552
- Wikipedia - Lobbying in the United Kingdom154553
- It’s official. Labour ALREADY has a worse track record on corporate lobbying than the Tories did - Canary 13.12.24445538
- Corporations and a wealthy elite have hijacked our democracy - LFF 23.08.24429584
- John le Carré (1931-2020) on the Iraq War, Corporate Power, the Exploitation of Africa & More - Democracy Now 25.12.20229521
- Book: A Quiet Word: Lobbying, Crony Capitalism and Broken Politics in Britain (Tamasin Cave & Andy Rowell, 2014)154558
- Book: The Establishment: And how they get away with it (Owen Jones, 2014)154559
- Report: Threat to democracy: The impact of ‘better regulation’ in the UK - NEF 10/15154563
- Report: Accountable Influence: Bringing Lobbying Out of the Shadows - Transparency UK 09/15154564
- Report: The Revolving Door and the Corporate Colonisation of UK Politics - High Pay Centre 03/15154565
- Report: Lifting the Lid on Lobbying: The Hidden Exercise of Power and Influence in the UK’Lifting the Lid on Lobbying: The Hidden Exercise of Power and Influence in the UK’ -…154569
- Report: Whoever you vote for, big business gets in - High Pay Centre 11/14154570
- Report: Corruption in the UK (4 studies in total) - Transparency UK 2011154571
- Report: Unelected Oligarchy: Corporate and Financial Dominance in Britain’s Democracy - Democratic Audit 08/11154575
- Report: Spinning the Wheels: A guide to the PR and lobbying industry in the UK - Spinwatch 2008154576
- Report: Lobbying: Access and influence in Whitehall - Public Administration Select Committee 2008154577
- Report: Friend or Foe? Lobbying in British Democracy - Hansard Trust 2007154581
- Briefing: Revolving Doors in the UK Defence Industry - UNICORN 154582
- Briefing: Revolving Doors in Health in the UK - UNICORN154583
- Briefing: Pharmaceuticals: the industry's influence in the UK - UNICORN154587
- Briefing: Honours List: Private Interests in the UK - UNICORN154588
- George Monbiot - Articles on Corporate Power154589
- For Lobbying in the UK: It's time for a change - Transparency International 10/15154593
- The £93bn handshake: businesses pocket huge subsidies and tax breaks - Guardian 07/15154594
- Outing the 1% That Bankroll British Politics - Occupy 05/15154595
- Taming corporate power: the key political issue of our age - Guardian 12/14154599
- Video: Whoever you vote for, big business gets in - High Pay Centre 11/14154600
- Ministers Reliant on Lobbyists - Telegraph 05/14154601
- The truth about lobbying: 10 ways big business controls government - Guardian 03/14154604
- 5 Reasons To Stop Secret Corporate Lobbying - Buzzfeed 12/13154605
- Corporate power has turned Britain into a corrupt state - Guardian 06/13154606
- Who really runs this place? - Spinwatch 06/13154609
- Machiavellian marketing: The development of corporate lobbying in the UK - TandF Online 1996154610