Zero Hours Contracts & Underemployment
- My World of Work: Zero Hours154744
- Q&A: What are zero hour contracts? BBC154745
- Briefing: Zero-hour contracts: are they fair and why the controversy? - The Week 154746
- The Work Foundation - Research on Zero Hour Contracts154750
- Underemployment and Overemployment in the UK, 2014 - ONS154751
- Underemployment vs unemployment data - Work Foundation154752
- Guardian - Articles on Zero Hours Contracts154756
- Huffington Post - Zero Hour Contracts154757
- Zero Hour Contracts in the United Kingdom - Wikipedia154758
- Resolution Foundation - Work and Security154762
- Over a million workers remain on zero-hours contracts - LFF 18.02.25458136
- P&O Ferries sacks all 800 crew members across entire fleet - Guardian 17.03.22280736
- Furlough end unlikely to resolve driver and care staff shortage, says thinktank - Guardian 05.09.21254547
- Britain’s labour market has passed peak insecurity - Resolution Foundation 26.06.17154763
- Zeroing in on zero hours contracts facts - Full Fact 04/15154764
- The Economist explains: Why “zero hours” contracts are not as bad as Britain’s Labour Party thinks - Economist 04/15154768
- Zero-hours contracts have nothing to do with flexibility and everything to do with dodging tax - Spectator 04/15154769
- Who uses zero-hours contracts and why? - BBC 04/15154770
- Report: Time to catch up? Living standards in the downturn and recovery - Resolution Foundation 03/15154774
- In Britain's labour market 'flexibility' means letting employers off the hook - Guardian 02/15154775
- Zero-hours contracts: a post-modern form of slavery which faces little real opposition from the unions - LSE Blog 02/15154776
- Almost 700,000 people in UK have zero-hours contract as main job - Guardian 02/15154780
- Zero-hours contracts in four charts - Guardian Datablog 02/15154781
- Zero-hours contracts 'cancer' will spread to 1.5million British workers this year, unions warn - Mirror 01/15154782
- Low pay and zero-hours contracts rise dramatically, figures show - Guardian 12/14154786
- Zero-hour jobs show the economic reality - Guardian 11/14154787
- UK Under-Employment Jumps by '93,000' Over Last Two Years - IBT 09/14154788
- UK reprimanded over 'zero-hour' contracts - EurActiv 05/14154792
- Jobseekers being forced into zero-hours roles - Guardian 05/14154793
- Most zero-hours contract workers 'don't earn a living wage' as 1.4m UK employees have no guarantee of work - This is Money 04/14154794
- Zero-hours contracts are ‘tip of the iceberg’ of damaging shift work, say researchers - Cambridge University 04/14154798
- Report: Zero-Hours Contracts: The latest figures and analysis - Resolution Foundation 04/14154799
- Overqualified and underemployed: Britain faces 'youth talent crisis' as new figures reveal more than a million young people working menial jobs - Independent 03/14154800
- Report: Zeroing In - Resolution Foundation 03/14154804
- Underemployment and pay in focus before UK jobs data on Wednesday - FT 02/14154805
- UK Unemployment: Record Underemployment As 1.46m Brits Working Part-Time - Huff Post 11/13154806
- How zero-hours contracts hide real unemployment - New Statesman 08/13154810
- Underemployment soars past the 3million mark on David Cameron's watch - Mirror 08/13154811
- Zero hours contracts – nasty, brutish and unfair? - Work Foundation 06/13154812
- Underemployment Widespread Among College Graduates, Worst For Business Majors: Analysis - Huff Post 06/13154816
- Report: A Matter of Time: The rise of zero-hours contracts - Resolution Foundation 06/13154817
- Zero-hours contracts cover more than 1m UK workers - Guardian 05/13154818
- Underemployment in the UK - NIESR 05/13154821
- Why the UK Jobs Number May Be Misleading - MSNBC 01/13154822
- Underemployment affects 10.5% of UK workforce - BBC 11/12154823
- Zero hours contracts and the flexible labour market - Work Foundation 08/12154827
- Underemployment: the UK’s response to economic weakness - New Statesman 05/12154828