City of London
- City of London Corporation122416
- City of London Corporation - Wikipedia122420
- Google News - City of London122426
- Google News - City of London Corporation122427
- City of London - Wikipedia122428
- London Stock Exchange - Wikipedia122432
- Canary Wharf - Wikipedia122433
- Twitter - Reclaim the City122434
- City of London watchdog is making a fair point on ‘naming and shaming’ - Guardian 09.05.24413866
- Our friends in the City Why banking’s return to business as usual threatens our economy - New Economics Foundation 02/16 .pdf122438
- How to threaten politicians, the City of London way - TJN 11.05.15122439
- Rampant financial crime in City of London eroding public trust - BoE - RT 28.10.14122440
- David Cameron accused of being in the pocket of the bankers who bankroll the Tories after £6.2million in donations - Mirror 12/11122445
- City of London spending and income: where does the money come from, and where does it go? - Guardian 01.11.11122450
- Driving the moneychangers from the temple: a technical guide - Though Cowards Flinch 31.10.11122451
- George Osborne Cancels £6bn Vodafone Tax Bill 11/10122456
- Paternoster Square - Wikipedia122461
- Paternoster Square - Mitsubishi Estate122462
- Video: Does the City of London Corporation need reform? - Debate at St Paul's Cathedral - St Paul's Cathedral 15.02.13122463
- Mitsubishi Corporation - official122467
- Mitsubishi Corporation - Corporate Citizenship122468
- Mitsubishi Estate (official)122469
- Mitsubishi Estate Company - Owner of Paternoster Square122473