Reports / Studies / Books on Austerity in the UK
- Report: Financial sustainability of local authorities 2018 - National Audit Office 08.03.18 .pdf136862
- Austerity is “economic murder” says Cambridge researcher 16.11.17136863
- Landmark study links Tory austerity to 120,000 deaths - Independent 15.11.17136864
- Effects of health and social care spending constraints on mortality in England: a time trend analysis - BMJ 11/17136865
- Book: Mr Osborne's Economic Experiment: Austerity 1945-51 and 2010 (William Keegan 03/15)136866
- Book: Cameron's Coup: How the Tories Took Britain to the Brink (Polly Toynbee & David Walker, 2015)136867
- Book: Austerity The Demolition of the Welfare State and the Rise of the Zombie Economy (Kerry-anne Mendoza, 01/15)136868
- Book: Breadline Britain - The Rise of Mass Poverty (Stewart Lansley, 2015)136869
- Book: Against Austerity - How we Can Fix the Crisis they Made (Richard Seymour 03/14)136870
- Book: Hard Times - The Divisive Toll of the Economic Slump (Tom Clark & Anthony Heath 04/13)136871
- Book: Austerity bites - A Journey to the Sharp End of Cuts in the UK (Mary O'Hara 05/14)136872
- Wage growth in Pay Review Body Occupations - Office of Manpower Economics 03.07.17136873
- The Uneven Impact of Welfare Reform: The financial losses to places and people - Oxfam 04/16136874
- Responses to austerity How groups across the UK are adapting, challenging and imagining alternatives - NEF 02/15136875
- Life on a low income in austere times - PSE 11/14136877
- Austerity economics don’t add up - UNISON 10/14136878
- The impact on women of Budget 2014 - Women's Budget Group, 03/14136880
- The UK’s youth services how cuts are removing opportunities for young people and damaging their lives (pdf) - UNISON136881
- Equality, Human Rights and the Public Service Spending Cuts: Do UK Welfare Cuts Violate the Equal Right to Social Security? - Equal Rights Trust 2013136882
- Coping with the cuts? Local government and poorer communities - JRF 11/13136883
- Report: Framing the economy: the austerity story - NEF, 09/13136884
- Health in Austerity - Demos 09/13136885
- Report: The True Cost of Austerity and Inequality: A UK Case Study - Oxfam 09/13136886
- Dignity and Opportunity for All: Securing the rights of disabled people in the austerity era - Just Fair 06/14136887
- Report: Surviving Austerity - NEF 08/2013136888
- Report: Impact of austerity on deprived neighbourhoods - PSE 08/13136889
- Report: Everyday Insecurity - NEF 11/12136890
- Report: The Perfect Storm: Economic stagnation, the rising cost of living, public spending cuts, and the impact on UK poverty - Oxfam 06/12136891
- Report: Time for a Plan C? Slow growth and living standards - Resolution Foundation 06/12136892
- The Impact on Women of the Budget 2012 - Women's Budget Group 04/12136893
- ‘All in it Together?’ Measuring the Impact of Austerity, Housing Strategy & Welfare Changes on Vulnerable Groups in Social Housing - Human City 03/12136894
- Destination Unknown: The Impact of the Budget Cuts on Disabled People - Demos 08/10136896
- Report: The Cuts Won't Work - NEF 12/09136897
- The British Election Study - University of Essex136898