Funding of Campaigns
- Arron Banks - Wikipedia 170236
- Guardian - Arron Banks292941
- Arron Banks almost crushed me in court. Instead, my quest for the facts was vindicated - The Guardian 19.06.22292148
- Government spending £70m on Brexit advertising - Left Foot Forward 09.10.20218874
- If Brexit was hacked, shouldn't we know exactly who paid? - Open Democracy UK 26.03.18170237
- Vote Leave broke spending limits in Brexit referendum, activist claims - BBC News 25.03.18170238
- Government confirms its “full transparency” changes to Northern Ireland electoral laws will not be backdated - Open Democracy UK 24.11.17170239
- Did Vote Leave commit a crime over its funding? Democracy demands to know - Guardian 22.11.17170240
- Electoral Commission launches inquiry into leave campaign funding - Guardian 20.11.17170241
- Did the DUP's controversial Brexit donors break the law - by refusing to reveal the secret source of their cash? - Open Democracy UK 11.11.17170242
- Brexit minister Steve Baker reported for ‘taking cash from DUP’ - Politics Home 04.11.17170243
- How did Arron Banks afford Brexit? - Open Democracy UK 19.10.17170244
- Revealed: how loopholes allowed pro-Brexit campaign to spend ‘as much as necessary to win’ - Open Democracy UK 18.09.17170245
- Revealed: The Tory MPs using taxpayers’ cash to fund a secretive hard-Brexit group - Open Democracy UK 07.09.17170246
- Revealed: how US billionaire helped to back Brexit - Guardian 26.02.17170247
- The ‘dark money’ that paid for Brexit – Open Democracy 15.02.17170248