International NGOs - Civil Society Organisations
- - EUROPE and INTERNATIONAL NGOs ...................................................................................................................................218412
- World Organisation Against Torture - on Belarus - eng, rus +223615
- DEMAS - Association for Democracy Assistance and Human Rights - Prague, CZ - eng, cz, rus - on Belarus219606
- Civic Belarus/Občanské Bělorusko - Prague, Czech Republic - fb219596
- Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum - Brussels, Belgium - fb219573
- #SHR Monitor - The Security and Human Rights Monitor is a platform that brings to light current developments affecting human rights, peace and security in the OSCE region.219516
- Anti-Discrimination Centre Memorial - Антидискриминационный центр «Мемориал» - on Belarus - rus, eng219017
- #adcmemorial - tw219018
- ADC "Memorial" - vk219019
- Office for European Expertise and Communications, Minsk - eng, bel, rus218997
- Human Rights House - International Office, Oslo, Norway - on Belarus - en218506
- Heinrich Bll Foundation - Berlin, Germany : on Belarus - eng, ger223293
- Libereco – Partnership for Human Rights - Zürich, Switzerland - on Belarus - eng218510
- Committee to Protect Journalists - New York, USA - on Belarus - eng218509
- Civic Solidarity Platform - on Belarus - eng218508
- Reporter Without Borders - International Office - Paris, France - on Belarus - eng218505
- Newsplatform "The Chruch and political crisis in Belarus / Царква і палітычны крызіс у Беларусі - multilingual228829
- Frontline Defenders - International Secretariat - Dublin, Ireland - on Belarus - rus218503
- Frontline Defenders - International Secretariat - Dublin, Ireland - on Belarus - eng 218502
- Amnesty International, International Secretariat, London : Protect peaceful protesters in Belarus - eng, fra, esp, arab218499
- Parliamentary solidarity with Belarus - fb224010
- Monitor - Tracking civic spaces : Belarus - by civicus217555
- - LITHUANIA ............................................................................................219581
- Беларускі дом правоў чалавека імя Барыса Звозскава - Belarusian House of Right Chalavek named Barys Zvozskava -Vilnius, Lithuania - fb -rus219265
- Razam - фонд помощи беларусам в Литве - Lithuania - fb224005
- Belarus People's Embassy to Lithuania - fb228324
- Freedom First ! Go, Belarus - fb - Solidarity Initiative Lithuania214427
- Belarusian Documentation Center / Беларускі дакументацыйны цэнтр - Vilnius, Lithuania - bel, rus, eng221951
- Belarusian Documentation Center / Беларускі дакументацыйны цэнтр - Vilnius, Lithuania - fb221952
- BISS Belarusian Institute for Strategic Studies - Vilnius, Lithuania - bel, rus, eng219269
- The changing role of civil society in Belarus - 4 Sept 20 - Forum Civ - [email protected] - Vilnius, Lithuania219593
- Laisvės TV - solidarity initiative Lithuania for Freedom Chain 23. Aug from Vilnius to Lithuanian-Belarus border214432
- News Media - Voice of Belarus225712
- - LATVIA ...............................................................................................................219582
- # FreeBelarusLat - Latvia218304
- NGO Civic Solidarity - on Belarus217532
- - POLAND ...................................................................219574
- OSCE - Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights - Warsaw, Poland219523
- #Białoruski Dom – centrum życia białoruskiego w Warszawie. Organizacja budująca relacje między RP a Białorusią. Poland219570
- Amnesty International Poland - Stowarzyszenie Amnesty International, Warzawa - on Belarus219602
- Цэнтр Беларускай Салідарнасці / Centrum Białoruskiej Solidarności - Warsawa, Poland - fb219575
- Inicjatywa Wolna Białoruś, Poland - fb 219270
- Białoruś po polsku - Poland - fb219271
- Białoruski Dom - Warsawa, Poland - bel, pl219571
- Białoruski Dom - Warsawa, Poland - Беларускі Дом у Варшаве - fb219572
- #MothersDayBelarus - 14 Oct 2020219576
- Суполка Беларусаў Вроцлава. Stowarzyszenie Białoruski Związek Solidarności, Poland - fb228869
- Fundacja na rzecz Białorusinów w Krakowie Valoshka - Krakow, Poland - fb228870
- New Eastern Europe, Krakow, Poland - on Belarus - eng223613
- European Campaign Petition : Europe, support free Belarus! - by Akcja Demokracja, Poland & other European countries alliance214663
- others :226795
- CASE Belarus - is policy oriented non-profit think tank - Warsaw, Poland226796
- - GERMANY ..................................................................................................................218379
- News Media - Voice of Belarus - deutschsprachig225711
- Belarusische Gemeinschaft RAZAM - Berlin, Germany - deu, bel, rus218211
- Belarusen aus Stuttgart und Baden-Württemberg / Беларусы Баден-Вюртемберг - fb220692
- Belarus Razam - München - fb220693
- #Belarusians in Munich - tw221946
- Belarus Razam Hannover - fb220689
- Libertas Belarus - Düsseldorf - fb220690
- Belarusen aus Frankfurt. Суполка беларусаў Франкфурта - fb224011
- Botschaft des Volkes von Belarus in Deutschland - fb228329
- Belarus in Deutschland, Botschaft des Volkes von Belarus in Deutschland - tw228330
- Informationsstelle zu Wahlen in Belarus 2020 - Germany214619
- Gegen Polizeigewalt in Belarus / Against police brutality in Belarus - fb214621
- Aktionsbündnis Belarus - Solidarität mit Alana Gebremariam, Leipzig - eng, ger225569
- Aktionsbündnis Belarus - tw225570
- #freealana - tw225571
- Bund für Soziale Verteidigung - Arbeitsgruppe Belarus230382
- Stimmen aus Belarus - fb220392
- #freewordsbelarus / #Свабодныясловыбеларусь - European Writers Council225707
- literabel, Germany222222
- # Ute Finck, Germany218501
- Bund für Soziale Verteidigung - Arbeitsgruppe Belarus228327
- Fokus Belarus - Zeitschrift Osteuropa, Berlin - ger, eng,rus218413
- Zeitschrift Osteuropa - fb218414
- Menschenrechte in Belarus - Berlin, Germany - ger, bel, rus218239
- New Belarus Art, Germany - fb223782
- Spendenaufruf: Hilfe für Belarus - re-published by graswurzelrevolution 18.08.20218381
- Libertas Belarus - Germany222679
- Nachrichtenplattform „Die Kirche und die politische Krise in Belarus“ / Царква і палітычны крызіс у Беларусі - ger/deutsch + multilingual228828
- 100xxxSolidarität228802
- New Belarus Art - Germany (?) - fb223532
- Das Ende des alten weißrussischen Mannes? Der Aufstand gegen Lukaschenko - graswurzelrevolution 17.08.20218380
- Repression at universities in Belarus - Petition initiative from DGO (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Osteuropakunde e.V.) to Aliaksandr Lukašenka - eng, ger, rus218300
- Heinrich Böll Stftung - Berlin, Germany : on Belarus - ger, eng223292
- Exit Poll Germany - fb225588
- Spenden für Belarus - Bund für Soziale Verteidigung - 17 Aug 20218208
- Buch : BELARUS! Das weibliche Gesicht der Revolution - Eine edition.fotoTAPETA__Flugschrift - Mitte Nov 2020222223
- OsTraum, Berlin - fa223789
- International Gesellschaft für Menschenrechte, Germany - Search on: Belarus228830
- Belarus unerhört, Germany - fb228325
- Presseschau ukrainischer Medien zu Belarus - Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Auslandsbüro Belarus, in Wilna Litauen226945
- Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Belarus - fb226946
- Belarus: Reise- und Sicherheitshinweise - Auswärtiges Amt223783
- - AUSTRIA .........................................................225091
- Austria : Verein "Belarussische Diaspora in Österreich" - für einen demokratischen Wandel in Belarus - bel223533
- Austria : Belarussische Diaspora in Österreich - tw223535
- Austria : Belarussische Diaspora in Österreich - fb223534
- Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen - Institute for Human Science, Vienna - eng - Search Results for: Belarus226448