Dominican Republic
- CIA - The World Factbook247583
- Government and Politics - General Information199522
- Politics of the Dominican Republic - Wikipedia253737
- President of the Dominican Republic - Wikipedia253738
- List of political parties in the Dominican Republic - Wikipedia253736
- Dominican Civil War (1965) & U.S. Military Intervention - Wikipedia106518
- Johnson Doctrine - Wikipedia106517
- Haitian migrants share stories of abuse as Dominican Republic ramps up deportations - NPR 11.02.25459563
- Dominican hospitals face surge of Haitian mothers fleeing conflict - Reuters 28.01.25459562
- Dominican Republic deported more than 276,000 people in 2024 - CNN 02.01.25459561
- Dominican Republic President Abinader wins second term - Britannica 29.11.24444768
- Dominican Republic 'to deport up to 10,000 migrants a week' - BBC 02.10.24444911
- Tres grandes partidos opositores acuerdan alianza para las elecciones generales de 2024 en República Dominicana - CNN 21.09.23444924
- Explainer: The Dominican Republic's 2024 Presidential and Congressional Elections - ASCOA 16.07.24444770
- Dominican Republic country profile - BBC 09.07.24444767
- El conservadurismo sigue reinando en República Dominicana - Nueva Sociedad 07/24444769
- Dominican Republic: George Floyd protests spark reckoning with race as elections loom - Guardian 15.06.24444925
- El presidente de República Dominicana avanza a la reelección y sus rivales reconocen derrota - AP News 19.05.24444916
- Dry law in Dominican Republic elections 2024: when does the prohibition of alcohol sales and consumption begin? - AS 18.05.24444917
- Poll Tracker: The Dominican Republic's 2024 Presidential Election - ASCOA 13.05.24444912
- La crisis de Haiti pasa a 1er plano en las elecciones de la vecina Republica Dominicana - San Diego Union Tribune 06.05.24444919
- Crisis in Haiti prompts thousands to flee to Dominican Republic - Crisis in Haiti prompts thousands to flee to Dominican Republic - Le Monde 10.03.24444914
- A Preview of 2024 Elections Throughout Latin America - USIP 16.01.24444775
- Meet the Candidates: Dominican Republic - Americas Quarterly 04.01.24444774
- Dominican Republic minister killed over permits: Report - Al Jazeera 09.06.22290053
- Right-Wing Extremism Is the Norm in the Dominican Republic - Jacobin 04.06.24417855
- Dominican Republic's incumbent president secures 1st-round election win - Anadolu Ajansı 21.05.24421267
- Dominican Republic President Luis Abinader headed to second term after Sunday elections - NBC News 20.05.24444773
- Dominican Republic election: Incumbent president in the lead - DW 20.05.24421260
- Dominican Republic President Abinader wins second term - Al Jazeera 20.05.24421268
- Dominican Republic voters head to the polls with eyes on Haiti crisis - Al Jazeera 19.05.24421258
- Haiti at forefront of Dominican Republic presidential elections - Anadolu Ajansı 19.05.24421259
- Dominican Republic President Luis Abinader heads to reelection as competitors concede early - AP News 19.05.24421270
- Dominicans await results of general elections with eyes on crisis in neighboring Haiti - VOA 19.05.24421264
- The Dominican Republic votes on Sunday. Here’s what to know - CNN 17.05.24421261
- Dominican Republic`s Abinader looks set for first-round election win - Reuters 17.05.24444772
- Haiti’s crisis rises to the forefront of elections in neighboring Dominican Republic - AP News 16.05.24421265
- Explainer: The Dominican Republic's 2024 Presidential and Congressional Elections - AS/COA 16.05.24421266
- Electing human rights for the Dominican Republic - Amnesty International 14.05.24421263
- 2024 Elections in Latin America: A Preview - ASCOA 04.01.24444913
- Policies and Politics Behind Today’s Haiti-Dominican Republic Relations - Pulitzer Center 27.09.23444915
- Dominican Republic to shut border with Haiti from Friday, president says - Al Jazeera 14.09.23421269
- Dominican Republic border wall deepens tensions over Haitian immigration - Cronkite News 08.05.23444922
- Making the Dominican Republic Great Again? - NACLA 09.03.22278043
- Dominican Republic starts work on border wall with Haiti - Guardian 25.02.22326711
- Can the Dominican Republic’s New President Deliver on High Hopes for Change? - WPR 24.07.20 251484
- Administering a General Election during COVID-19 - CSIS 20.07.20444921
- Change in Dominican Republic as opposition wins presidency - BBC 06.07.20444918
- Dominican Republic Elections: Political Backdrop and Relevance - 30.06.20444920
- Punta Catalina: Power and corruption in the Dominican Republic - Transparency 25.06.20444923
- Thousands Protest Suspension of Municipal Elections in Dominican Republic - Democracy Now! 24.02.20199520
- 'I shot the cruellest dictator in the Americas' - BBC 5/11106519