Health Care in Cuba
- WHO on Cuba72233
- Healthcare in Cuba - Wikipedia72235
- Medical Tourism - Wikipedia72236
- Sicko (a Michael Moore film) - Wikipedia72237
- First world results on a third world budget - Guardian72238
- Medical know-how boosts Cuba's wealth - BBC 1/0672239
- Panama welcomes Cuba eye surgery (Operation Miracle) - BBC 11/0572240
- Mission Barrio Adentro (Venezuela) - Wikipedia72241
- Cuba to create doctors' brigade - BBC 9/0572242
- Doctor Aid - by Fidel Castro 9/0572243
- Radiation Poisoning: 15,000 sick Ukranian kids get treatment - in Cuba The children of Chernobyl 8/0372244
- Cuban Health Care Systems and its Implications for the NHS Plan - House of Commons 200172245
- Acimed - Medical Journal in Spanish72246
- Cuban Journal of Surgery (Spanish)72247
- Cuban Journal of Tropical Medicine72248