- Peace Direct (UK) - supporting local action against conflict18767
- International Women's Peace Service (IWPS) - Palestine18768
- Global Action to Prevent War18769
- Parliamentarians for Global Action18770
- Violence Prevention Alliance (WHO)18771
- Global Partnership for the Prevention of Conflict18772
- Saferworld (UK) - how to prevent armed conflict18773
- KOFF: Center for Peace Building - Swisspeace18774
- Kansas Event Data System (KEDS)18776
- Alternatives to Violence Project Britain18777
- Physicians for Social Responsibility18778
- Carnegie Commission on Preventing Deadly Conflict (CCPDC)18779
- International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)18780
- Search for Common Ground : Conflict Resolution, Conflict Prevention18781
- Teaching Tolerance Magazine - tolerance.org18782
- International Crisis Group18783
- Ploughshares (Canada)18784
- War Prevention Initiative (USA)18785
- Santa Cruz Barrios Unidos - Non-profit, gang violence prevention and intervention program18786
- Invisible Children453848
- Principles for Peace454845
- Life & Peace Institute (LPI)455011
- Transformedia Culture C.I.C455711