- INCORE: Conflict Information Service: Thematic Guides18799
- Search for Common Ground : Conflict Resolution, Conflict Prevention18800
- ADR - Mediation Essays, Guidelines and Links18801
- Conflict Resolution Programs in the United States18802
- International Conflict Resolution Resources18803
- JustPeace - Methodist Center for Mediation and Conflict Transformation18804
- Fourth Freedom Forum: Exploring Options for the Nonviolent Resolution of International Conflict (Archive 2003)18805
- Institute for Dispute Resolution (Canada)18806
- On Conflict and Consensus - Formal Consensus Website18807
- Peace & Conflict Resolution - PCR18808
- Parliamentarians Network for Conflict Prevention - PNCP18809
- EWI Parliamentarians - Twitter18810
- Conciliation Resources (CR)18811
- Mediation Northern Ireland18812
- INTER/MEDIATE - Experts on dialogue and negotiation (UK).256999
- TransConflict18814
- PeaceQuest (Sweden)18815
- New York Peace Institute18816
- Platform for Peaceful Conflict Management (Germany)18817
- Compromise After Conflict (Aberdeen) - Facebook18818
- Bar Ilan University - Program on Conflict Resolution18819
- Beyond Intractability - more constructive approaches to destructive conflict18820
- Conflict Resolution Information Source (CRI) - Boulder, CO18821
- Committee on Conflict Transformation - NYC Quakers18822
- (Spain)18823
- Peacepaces - a collaborative learning platform for peacebuilding18824
- Kent State University Center for Applied Conflict Management18825
- Concordis International - Sudan and South Sudan 453578
- Conflux Center455459