2021 Alexander Kmentt (Austria)
- @AlexanderKmentt317300
- IPB: Seán MacBride Peace Prize ceremony – Alexander Kmentt 317299
- Alexander Kmentt (President of the First Meeting of States Parties to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons) - Federal Ministry Republic of Austria 317385
- Ambassador Alexander Kmentt - The Simons Foundation317386
- Book: The Treaty Prohibiting Nuclear Weapons317377
- Interview with Alexander Kmentt, President, First Meeting of States Parties to TPNW - SGI Peace 317401
- Video: Seán MacBride Peace Prize Ceremony for Alexander Kmentt - IPB International Peace Bureau 14.12.22366537
- SGS hosts public lecture by Amb. Alexander Kmentt, “Confronting the threat and use of nuclear weapons” - SGS 21.11.22318069
- Austrian ambassador Alexander Kmentt speaks on nuclear escalation in Ukraine - The Daily Princetonian 27.10.22317399
- The Humanitarian Case for Banning Nuclear Weapons: An Interview With Alexander Kmentt - Arms Control Association 5/22317398
- Universalising the TPNW: Challenges and Opportunities (Journal for Peace and Nuclear Disarmament, Vol4) - TandF Online 6/21317378
- Seán MacBride Peace Prize Ceremony for the International Signature Campaign in Support of the Appeal - IPB International Peace Bureau 17.03.21366538
- Interview: 'People of all countries want a world without nuclear weapons' - IPS 26.03.20317387
- Nuclear deterrence perpetuates nuclear risks: the risk reduction perspective of TPNW supporters - European Leadership Network 12/20317380
- Bridge building to strengthen the Non-Proliferation Treaty - European Leadership Network 4/19317381
- The development of the international initiative on the humanitarian impact of nuclear weapons and its effect on the nuclear weapons debate - International Review of the Red C…317382
- Avoiding the Worst: Re-framing the Debate on Nuclear Disarmament Share - European Leadership Network 6/14317383
- Interview with Alexander Kmentt, Director for Disarmament, Arms Control and Non-Proliferation - Hiroshima Peace Media 09.05.14317402
- How Divergent Views on Nuclear Disarmament Threaten the NPT - Arms Control Association 12/13317384
- Video: MSP-TV: Interview with Amb. Alexander Kmentt - International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons YouTube 23.06.22317390
- Video: Alexander Kmentt on the first meeting of states parties to the TPNW - ELN YouTube 16.06.22317389
- Video: Cristopher Cruz speaks to Amb. Kmentt about the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons - Atomic Reporters YouTube 16.06.22317394
- Video: Towards the First Meeting of States Parties to the TPNW: Goals, Agenda and Events - Vienna Center for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation YouTube 21.05.22317395
- Video: Talks not Bombs: Get Britain to attend the first TPNW conference - CND YouTube 10.02.22317397
- Video: "The Origins of the Nuclear Ban" Alexander Kmentt - Scottish CND YouTube 16.07.21317393
- Video: The Treaty Prohibiting Nuclear Weapons: How it Was Achieved and Why it Matters - Vienna Center for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation YouTube 23.06.21317396
- Video: Alexander Kmentt at "Symposium: Nuclear Disarmament, Arms Control, and Non-Proliferation" - Japanisch-Deutsches Zentrum Berlin YouTube 01.04.21317388
- Video: Alexander Kmentt - The Security and Defence of Small States: Challenges, Options and Strategies - IIEA YouTube 12.11.19317391
- Video: Keynote Speaker Ambassador Alexander Kmentt - Arms Control Association YouTube 17.05.15317392