2009 Betty Reardon (USA)
- International Peace Bureau Awards Pioneering Peace Educator, Dr. Betty A. Reardon, the 2009 Sean MacBride Peace Prize - Global Campaign for Peace Education102569
- Acceptance Speech - Gender and Disarmament: Imperatives for Peace Education and Essentials of a Culture of Peace *pdf102574
- International Institute on Peace Education 102575
- Encyclopedia of Peace Education - Columbia University102576
- Network for Peace through Dialogue102577
- Earth Institute - Columbia University102582
- Passport to Dignity - PDHRE102583
- Betty Reardon: Educating for Human Dignity (Pennsylvania Studies in Human Rights) - Powell‘s Books102584
- Betty Reardon - Amazon102585
- Toward the Implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 - Betty Reardon 10/10102590
- Interview with Morton Deutsch and Betty Reardon (Video) - Mefeedia 5/09102591
- A Peace Education Planning Guide - IIPE 2/07 *pdf102592
- Review of Reardon‘s "Sexism and the War System" . Azly Rahman 10/05102593
- Learning to Abolish War: Teaching toward a Culture of Peace - Book Review 2002102598
- Human Rights as Education for Peace - 1997102599
- Interview: Making Peace a Real Possibility - University of California 1985102600