National - Religions
- Network of Christian Peace Organisations64239
- National Justice and Peace Network64245
- Quakers in Britain - Friends House London - faith & action64246
- Pax Christi - International Catholic Movement for Peace64247
- Fellowship of Reconciliation - FOR England 64248
- FOR Wales64249
- FOR Scotland 64255
- Put Down the Sword is a small group of Christians and Quakers who take nonviolent direct action together against the causes of war, nuclear weapons, and climate change in theā¦64256
- @PutDownTheSword 196031
- Anglican Pacifist Fellowship64257
- Faith and resistance network - Supporting Christians involved in nonviolent direct action64258
- Christian Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament - CCND64263
- UK Zen Peacemaker Circle - Blog64264
- Network of Engaged Buddhists - UK64265
- Unitarians in Britain64266
- Baptist Peace Fellowship UK64272
- Multi Faith Centre - University of Derby64273
- Universal Peace Federation - UK (Unification Church, Moon)64274
- Seeds of Hope ! (Archive) - Women Disarming for Peace and Justice (Hawks)64275
- Christians Aware64276
- UK Clergy protest against war on Iraq - BBC 8/0264282
- British Clergy Protest Against War on Iraq64283
- Movement for Reform Judaism (RSGB)64284
- Building Bridges - transforming church culture64285
- Ecumenical Society for Peace (Norfolk)64286
- Jesuits in Britain64292
- Anabaptist Network64293
- The Archbishop Romero Trust - London64294
- International Society for Krishna Consciousness64295