Selected Articles
- Even Churchill thought Hiroshima was unnecessay briefing - Peace News 420428
- Podcast: The Books that Changed Us — Hiroshima - abc 18.12.24448125
- Nagasaki defends decision not to invite Israel to atomic bomb memorial - Al Jazeera 08.08.24429357
- Hiroshima Survivors Warn Against Nuclear War 79 Years After US Bombing - CD 06.08.24426838
- Hiroshima survivor: “We had no idea what happened” when the bomb dropped - Peoples World 06.08.24429336
- Hiroşima'nın 79. Yılında Nükleer Tehdit Alarm Veriyor - NKP 05.08.24 - tr426828
- Hiroşima ve Nagazaki'nin 79. yıldönümünde barış ve silahsızlanma çağrısı - Bianet 05.08.24 - tr426830
- What do Americans really think about the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki? - The Bulletin 05.08.24426296
- Nükleer Karşıtı Platform: Hiroşima’nın 79. yılında nükleer tehdit alarm veriyor - Duvar 05.08.24 - tr426829
- Hiroshima and Nagasaki must never be forgotten - Morning Star 03.08.24426177
- Nuclear weapons are weapons of terror - Sonnenseite 03.08.24430976
- Remembering Hiroshima & Nagasaki as the world draws closer to nuclear war than ever before - Labour Outlook 02.08.24426274
- Hiroshima & Nagasaki, 79 years on: CND to mark atomic bombings with warning of increased risks - CND UK 02.08.24426176
- Telling the Story of the 12 American POWs Who Died in the Hiroshima Bombing and the Japanese Man Who Refused to Let Them Be Forgotten - UNIDIR 26.07.24426275
- Hiroshima and Nagasaki exhibition: What can you do? - CND 10.07.24427236
- Watch Melted By Hiroshima Blast Sold at Auction - Greg Mitchell Substack 24.02.24400739
- Peace Gathering in front of the Japanese Consulate in NYC - Pressenza 08.08.23365097
- 78th anniversary of US atomic bombing of Hiroshima: In 2023, socialism or barbarism - WSWS 06.08.23364719
- On 78th Anniversary of Hiroshima Bombing, Mayor Decries 'Folly' of Deterrence Theory - CD 06.08.23366235
- 78 Years Ago: Truman’s Announcement Set the ‘Hiroshima Narrative’ That Endures Today - Anti War Blog 06.08.23364295
- Hiroshima Mayor's peace declaration - NHK 06.08.23368504
- Hiroshima Mayor Calls Nuclear Deterrence a ‘Folly’ - Anti War Blog 06.08.23364296
- The US Government Once Called Hiroshima and Nagasaki ‘Nuclear Tests’ - CD 06.08.23366232
- The truth about Hiroshima - CND 06.08.23365142
- The truth about Hiroshima - Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament 06.08.23364297
- Hiroşima ve Nagazaki'nin 78. yılında tehdit büyüyor: 9 ülke 13 bin nükleer başlığa sahip - Birgün 06.08.23 - tr364395
- Hiroşima'nın 78. yılında küresel güvenliğe yönelik tehlike tırmanıyor - NKP 05.08.23 - tr364393
- Before Hiroshima - The Bulletin 05.08.23364020
- Hiroshima Day 2023: The global footprint of nuclear fallout - Down To Earth 05.08.23364018
- Nükleer Karşıtı Platform: Hiroşima'nın 78. yılında küresel güvenliğe yönelik tehlike tırmanıyor - SOL 05.08.23 - tr364396
- Hiroşima'nın 78. yılında küresel güvenliğe yönelik tehlike tırmanıyor - EMO 05.08.23 - tr364397
- Hiroşima ve Nagazaki'nin 78. yılında tehdit daha da büyüdü: Nükleer silahlar yasaklansın! - Evrensel 05.08.23 - tr364394
- CND to mark 78th anniversary of Hiroshima & Nagasaki bombings amid increased nuclear risk - Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament 04.08.23364021
- Hiroshima A-bombing: Its lessons of unnecessary mass destruction could help guide future nuclear arms talks - Japan Today 04.08.23363935
- Remember Hiroshima - Labour Outlook 04.08.23364019
- Remembering Hiroshima & Nagasaki - Conscience Online 03.08.23364017
- One of Hiroshima’s last survivors says the world must wake up to the growing nuclear threat - Analyst News 02.08.23363932
- Even Churchill Thought Hiroshima was Unnecessary - Peace News 01.08.23365588
- Decades Later, the U.S. Government Called Hiroshima and Nagasaki “Nuclear Tests” - World Beyond War 01.08.23363933
- Hiroshima attack marks its 78th anniversary – its lessons of unnecessary mass destruction could help guide future nuclear arms talks - The Conversation 31.07.23363227
- The atomic bomb shocked the world, but not enough to stop killing civilians - Religion News 27.07.23363931
- Oppenheimer: the Movie and the Moment to Prevent the Next Nuclear War - CD 26.07.23364344
- A Time to Mourn, Not to Celebrate - Pressenza 21.07.23363291
- August 6 – Hiroshima Day: A Time to Mourn, Not to Celebrate - Pressenza 21.07.23363226
- ‘A ball of blinding light’: Atomic bomb survivors share their stories - National Geographic 20.07.23363228
- Hiroshima Memories - The Bulletin 17.07.23363229
- World Faces 'Loaded Gun' on Hiroshima's 77th Anniversary - CD 07.08.22300740
- Tweet: Any leader who refuses to sign the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons is unworthy of your vote. #Hiroshima - @TimMilesWright 06.08.22301673
- Tweet: Magnificent Gairloch Horties #HiroshimaDay installation at the UKgov HQ in Edinburgh today - @TridentPlough 06.08.22301675
- The People in Hiroshima Didn’t Expect it Either - Counter Punch 03.08.22298923
- Child of victim plays violin that survived A-bombing - Spokesman 02.08.22298922
- UN Chief Going to Hiroshima for 77th Anniversary of A-bomb - VOA 02.08.22298920
- Campaign magazine: August 2022 - CND UK 08/22300850
- What we knew in the wake of Hiroshima - Times Observer 30.07.22298925
- 6th AUGUST 2022 Nuclear Ban, Sow Peace, Let’s build the future together - Pressenzaa 26.07.22298842
- ‘I fear that for a third time in history a nuclear bomb might be used’ - Financial Review 22.07.22298926
- Horrors of Hiroshima, a reminder nuclear weapons remain global threat - UN News 15.01.22270053
- ‘People arrived for work and got vaporised’: how Kikuji Kawada captured the trauma of Hiroshima - Guardian 04.10.21256604
- Hiroshima is a Lie - Counter Punch 06.08.21252674
- 76 Years After Hiroshima Bombing, Fresh Call for End to All Nuclear Weapons - CD 06.08.21255521
- Nuclear Weapons Still a Clear and Present Danger 76 Years After Hiroshima - CD 06.08.21254955
- Olympics Committee said it won't pause for a moment of silence for Hiroshima atomic bombing - Insider 01.08.21254934
- Biden’s Atomic Veterans Day is symbolic — but will he curb nuclear weapons? - Truthout 25.07.21252108
- “Atomic Cover-Up” Unveiled - GregMitch.medium 21.03.21246080
- Campaign Magazine - edition 8/20213352
- Remember each and every person - IPPNW 06.08.20215100
- Nukes are not only history: Discuss this on August 6 and 9 and all other days - The Transnational 06.08.20213770
- Hiroshima Day on August 6th remembers the day when the U.S. dropped an Atomic Bomb on the Japanese city Hiroshima, followed by Nagasaki... - Better World Info on Twitter 03…217153
- The Original Child Bomb: A Meditation on the nuclear age - Mary Becker 03.08.20213354
- Another Hiroshima Is Coming Unless We Stop It Now - John Pilger 03.08.20301997
- Documentary: Original Child Bomb - youtube 25.07.20213353
- Pope Francis’ declaration in Hiroshima marks another historic step in the fight for the total elimination of nuclear weapons - CPNN 11/19195075
- The Slaughter of Hiroshima: Seventy years ago today, the US dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan. Here’s one survivor’s story - Jacobin 8/1571020
- Japanese Nobel Laureate Kenzaburo Oe on 70th Anniv. of US Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki - DN! 06.08.15335275
- The Atomic Bomb, Then and Now - Dennis Kucinich 8/1471021
- Students pledge to work for peace on Hiroshima Day 8/1371023
- 67 Years Ago: The Tragic 'Atomic Cover-up" Began 6/1371024
- From Hiroshima to Fukushima - CounterPunch 8/1271025
- Japan marks anniversary of atomic attack on Hiroshima - Guardian 8/1271026
- A-bomb doctor warns of further Fukushima woes - Japan Times 7/12 (Archive)71027
- Guardian - Hiroshima: 60 years on (2005)71028
- Fukushima Clouds Hiroshima Anniversary - IPS 04.08.1171029
- Keeping Faith With Peace - Bill Bichsel, Yes! 8/1171030
- Hiroshima Peace Declaration (August 6, 2011) - Kazumi Matsui, Mayor, City of Hiroshima71031
- Countdown to Hiroshima for August 2, 1945 (X minus 4 days) - Nation 8/1171032
- Dr. Marcel Junod is honored at ceremony marking the 50th anniversary of his death 6/1171034
- Dr. Marcel Junod (1904-1961) - Wikipedia71035
- Why Hollywood ignores Hiroshima - Guardian 8/1071039
- The Lies Of Hiroshima Are The Lies Of Today - John Pilger 8/1071040
- 'There was a flash. Then everything turned black' - Independent 8/1071041
- Hiroshima, Iraq victims have much in common, activist says - Global Research 8/1071042
- US to Attend Hiroshima Memorial for First Time - Common Dreams 8/1071043
- Coming Of Age In Hiroshima - YES! 8/1071044
- The Bomb - Howard Zinn 8/10 (amazon)71045
- Hiroshima: Breaking the Silence 6/10 - Introduction to The Bomb by Howard Zinn71046
- Hiroshima and Nagasaki Cruel Experiment by Americans (Video) ?8/0971047
- 1945: US drops atomic bomb on Hiroshima - BBC 8/0971048
- The 64th Anniversary of USA Terrorism Enlightened by the Wisdom of Nonviolence 7/0971049
- The lies of Hiroshima live on, props in the war crimes of the 20th century - Guardian 06.08.0871050
- Hiroshima: the ‘White Man’s Bomb’ revisited - Spiked 8/0571051