Paneuropean Picnic in Hungary 8/89
- How a pan-European picnic brought down the iron curtain - Guardian 18.08.19189572
- Paneuropean Picnic 1989, Sopron, Hungary (Archive)19131
- History of the Picnic, Paneuropean Picnic 1989, Sopron, Hungary (Archive)19132
- Dramatic moments: Border Run of the GDR-citizens - Sopron, Hungary (Archive)19133
- Consequences, Paneuropean Picnic 1989 Sopron, Hungary, (Archve)19134
- Paneuropean Picnic, Sopron, Hungary (Archive)19135
- The Pulling Down of the Berlin Wall Began in Sopron - Antecedents, Paneuropean Picnic 1989, Hungary (Archive)19136
- A border made for crossing , Paneuropean Picnic - The Economist 8/89 (Archive)19137
- Sopron - Hungary19138