- War Resisters International - WRI - International HQ - London / Britain18511
- WRI - YouTube18512
- International Fellowship of Reconciliation - IFOR - International HQ - Alkmaar / Netherlands18513
- IFOR - YouTube18514
- Global Nonviolence Network - Robert J. Burrowes18515
- International Institute for Nonviolent Action - Barcelona, Spain - eng, esp, cat18516
- Nonviolence International - Washington18517
- Nonviolence network in the arab countries 18518
- Nonviolent Peaceforce - NP Head Office - Brussels, Belgium / 18519
- Nonviolent Peaceforce - wikipedia18520
- nonviolent peaceforce - youtube18521
- nonviolence international - NI - Washington, USA18522
- Nonviolence International - NIS and CIS NGO Working Group on Conflict Management and Prevention 18523
- Warzone Initiative 18524
- Satygraha Foundation for Nonviolent Studies18525
- GandhiServe Foundation - Research and Mediaservice - Berlin / Germany18526
- Peace Brigades International - PBI International Office - London, Britain18527
- Pace e Bene - Nonviolence Campaign18528
- PBI - youtube18529
- American Friends Service Committee - Quaker values in action - AFSC - Philadelphia, USA18530
- AFSC - youtube18531
- War Resisters League (WRL)18532
- WRL - youtube18533
- Pace e Bene - education, resources and action for nonviolent change - Long Beach, California, USA18534
- Institute for Peace Work and Nonviolent Conflict Tranformation - IFGK18535
- Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research (TFF) ! - Lund (Sweden)18536
- TFF Links - Nonviolence18537
- alternatives to violence project - AVP International - USA18538
- HOUSMANS Peace Diary 2022 & WORLD PEACE DIRECTORY !18539
- peace news - for nonviolent revolution- London / Britain18540
- peace news - wikipedia18541
- Serpaj America Latina18542
- Serpaj - youtube18543
- Center for Nonviolent Communication (CNVC) - giraffe language and heartfelt communication18544
- Draft Military Alternatives Program, Resource Center for Nonviolence (RCNV) - California18545
- Mahatma Gandhi International - Brussels, Belgium18546
- Ahimsa Youth Organization (AYO)18547
- Peace Corps Crossroads (Archive 2006)18548
- Plowshares Disarmament Actions (Archive)18549
- Pax Christi International - Brussels / Belgium18550
- PC - youtube18551
- Muslim Peace Fellowship18552
- DECADE To OVERCOME VIOLENCE ! 2001-201018553
- World Peace Flag (Archive)18554
- Nonviolence Links (Archive)18555
- Cooperation For Peace (Archive 2003)18556
- Waging nonviolence - People-Powered News and Analysis - USA18557
- Project to Overcome Violence - World Council of Churches (Archive)18558
- 2000 - 2010: Decade for a Culture of Non-Violence (Buddhism) (Archive)18559
- Albert Einstein Institution - Boston / USA18560
- Friends of Earth (FOE) International18562
- Peace Corps - the toughest job you'll ever love !18564
- Veterans for Peace18565
- resource : Conflict transformation, nonviolence and justice18566
- Holy Land Trust - supporting Palestinians & promoting non-violence in the Holy Land18567
- The Food Not Bombs Story18568
- United Nations Volunteers18569
- Jorgen Johansen18570
- Global Unites216547
- Global Unites - Twitter 216546
- @GandhiEarthKeepers198318
- Demands for World Peace - Change 23.09.24455110