Books ...
- RESOURCES : Books on Nonviolent Conflict118811
- ´Realignment A Peaceful and Sustainably Developed World is (Still) Posible´359463
- Nonviolent Journalism: A humanist approach to communication - Juana Pérez Montero Tony Robinson, Javier Tolc Tolcachier, 2023362870
- Handbook for Nonviolent Campaigns - 2nd edition 2014118812
- Handbook for Nonviolent Campaigns - WRI 2009 *.pdf118816
- @DJakopovich457587
- Handbook for Nonviolent Campaigns - Arabic - WRI 2010118817
- Handbook for Nonviolent Campaigns - Kampanye non-Kekerasan - language: Bahasu/Indonesia - WRI 2019118818
- Handbook for Nonviolent Campaigns - russian language118822
- Handbokk for nonviolent Campaigns - ukrainian-language118823
- HANDBOOK for NONVIOLENT Campaigns ! - WRI 11/08 (recommended)118824
- Siddetsuzkampanya El Kitabi - Handbook for Nonviolent Campaigns (Turkish language)118828
- A Guide to Civil Resistance. A Bibliography of People Power. by April Carter, Howard Clark, Michael Randle. 2013118829
- People Power and Protest since 1945 : A Bibliography on Nonviolent Action - pdf - 2013118830
- NONVIOLENT ACTION HANDBOOK by Sanderson Beck118834
- Gene SHARP (AEI) - English Bookstore118836
- 198 Methods of Nonviolent Action - a great list (Albert Einstein Institution)118840
- Handbook for Nonviolent Action - SOA Watch118841
- Engage: Exploring Nonviolent Living - pace et bene118842
- FOR PACIFISTS ! (1949) - by M. Gandhi (Google Book)118846
- For Pacifists (Gandhi) - highly recommended !118847
- Mahatma Gandhi – Asket – Pazifist – Freiheitskämpfer - Direct Selling Magazine 16.03.22118848
- Book: War On Peace Decline American Influence - Amazon 16.07.21451969
- Revolutionary Peacemaking: Writings for a culture of Peace and Nonviolence 457583
- Civil Disobedience - Henry David Thoreau118855
- Civil disobedience - HD Thoreau - Part 1118856
- Civil disobedience : HD Thoreau - Part 2118857
- On the Duty of Civil Disobedience . Henry David Thoreau (1849)118861
- Nonviolence in Theory and Practice 3/01 (amazon)118862
- Non-violent resistance (Satyagraha) - by M. Gandhi (Google Books)118863
- Nonviolence: The History of a Dangerous Idea 4/08 (amazon)118867
- Tolstoy's writings on civil disobedience and non-violence (amazon)118868
- The Kingdom of God is within you : L. Tolstoi118869
- The Kingdom of God is within you - wikipedia118872
- The kingdom of God is within you - wikipedia - rus118873
- WHY VIOLENCE? - Robert J. Burrowes *.pdf118874
- Bibliography on Nonviolence118877
- Revolutionary peacemaking writings for a culture of peace and nonviolence - Cotent - Daniel Jakopovich. PDF200349
- Revolutionary peacemaking writings for a culture of peace and nonviolence - Democratic Thought 200348
- Training Manual for Nonviolent Defense Against the Coup d'État - by Richard K. Taylor 1994118878
- Brian Martin : Nonviolence versus capitalism. WRI London 2001118879
- Roberts/Ash :Civil resistance and power politics - The Experience of Non-violent Action from Gandhi to Present. Oxford 2011118882
- People Power and Protest since 1945 : A Bibliography of nonviolent action. Housmans Bookshop, London 2006 118883
- Canvas - Centre for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies - Nonviolent Struggle Mulimedia Library118884
- booklet, Countering Military Recruitment: Learning the lessons of counter-recruitment campaigns internationally - WRI 2019193762
- Brian Martin : publications on peace, war and nonviolence118887
- Nonviolent Change - Journal of the Research/Action Team on nonviolent Large System Change 2012118888
- Journal : Nonviolent Change - Fall 2013118889
- Recovering Nonviolent History - Civil Resistance in Liberation Struggles - Ed. Maciej J. Bartkowski118892
- Civil disobedience Index118893
- Civil disobedience : A handbook to for activists. The Environmental Law Centre118894
- Training of Trainers Manual ( pdf) - USAID118898
- Nonviolent Conflict Transformation - Training Manual for a Training of Trainers Course (pdf) - Partir118899
- Blood on the Tracks: The Life And Times of S. Brian Willson118900
- Spanish: Acción directa Noviolenta. Como preparar y orgaizar campanas y acciones - MOC118906
- Spanish: Manuel para Campanas Noviolentas. WRI 2010 - spanish118907
- Spanish: Cómo realizar una Acción Directa Noviolenta y no susumbir en el intendo (Guia teorico-práctica) - MOC - July 2011118910
- Spanish: Métodos de acción Noviolenta - Gene Sharp118911
- Spanish: 20 puntos para la preparación de la accion directa noviolenta118912
- Spanish: Desobediencia Civil : HD Thoreau118915
- Spanish: Accion directa noviolenta y Desobedienca civil. Paco Cascon118916
- Bob Overy : Gandhi the Organiser. How he shaped a nationwide rebellion: India 1915-1922194056
- International Center on Nonviolent Conflict Resource Library285626