Peace Articles
- "United for Peace" - Google Scholar429857
- Video: The West's Suicidal Addiction to War - TFF 22.01.25452028
- 85% of humanity want peace. Let's persuade the West too - TFF 05.07.24422083
- The first step of the Third March for Peace and Nonviolence will take place in the Aula Magna “Kofi Annan” of UPaz, Costa Rica - Pressenza 08.06.24417866
- Some documents of hope - Culture of Peace 01.11.23382443
- What can “the invisibles” do to make wars stop? - Pressenza 29.04.23343148
- Contrast today’s anti-intellectual peacelessness: John F. Kennedy’s “Peace Speech” in 1963 - TFF 04.02.21234323
- 2020 Awakening - Nuclear Age Peace Foundation 10/20218807
- Hope for a soft landing - Transition to a Culture of Peace 01.09.20215190
- The Narrative of Peace: What We Can Learn From the History of Peace Thought - The Transnational 20.12.1783763
- Against A Third World War – Constructively! - Hoggar 12.17.1283765
- Facebook, Twitter and the Search for Peace in the Middle East - Huffington Post 11/1083770
- IPPNW to share in 2010 Haas peace award - 11/1083771
- Professor Johan Galtung on nuclear weapons as theological statements - YouTube 7/1083772
- What Do Women Want? Power, Please - Peace X Peace 7/1083773
- Less Media use means Less Violence! - Current Concerns 6/1083778
- How Does War Get into the Heads and Hearts of People? Cologne appeal against computer-violence - 2/0983779
- Avril Moore: War is no game, so why is it marketed to children as one? SM Herald 6/1083780
- Advancing Peace & Mitigating Crises: Recommendations and Proposed Language for the Foreign Assistance Act (FAA) - Peace Alliance (USA) 3/1083781
- Peace Journalism for Journalists - Jake Lynch 4/1083786
- Olympic Movement promotes peace worldwide - International Olympic Committee 23.05.09250711
- UN Should Enforce Peace - CSM 2/9383787
- UN tallies the costs of peace - CSM 8/8883788