- IPB World CONGRESS 2016171396
- ACTION AGENDA of the IPB 10/16171397
- PRESSENZA - Articles171400
- Congress Supporters171406
- Program Overview IPB World Congress171407
- Analytical Workshops A - 1st Oct 16:30-18:30171411
- Strategic Workshops B - 2nd Oct 10:30-12:00171412
- Congress PROGRAM final edition *.pdf171413
- IPB Congress App - no longer exists171417
- Congress Newsletters171418
- YouTube Suche249906
- Google News ? - fews !171405
- Youth Gathering - Program171421
- 2nd Draft Declaration: Demilitarisation and Youth171422
- Abolition 2000 Annual General Meeting - Berlin, 29.+30. Sept171426
- IPB Congress 2016 - Facebook (Archive)171427
- @IPBCongress2016171428
- IPB on Instagram (?)171431
- GCOMS - Facebook171432
- @DemilitarizeDay171436
- 13 Apr - 13 May - Global Days of Action on Military Spending , International171437
- IPB - Facebook171438
- @IntlPeaceBureau171442
- #IPB2016171443
- #IPB2016 - fb171444
- @MoveTheMoney171448
- #MoveTheMoney - fb171449
- #3DNukeBerlin171450
- #3DNukeBerlin - fb171454
- Weltnetz TV - Videos zur Friedensbewegung171455
- Freitag Extra - Print Supplement *.pdf171459
- Die Welt braucht Abrüstung - Pressekonferenz und künstlerische Aktion - IPB World Congress 30.09.16171460
- KenFM am Telefon: Reiner Braun zum International Peace Bureau World Congress 2016 - YouTube 27.09.16171464
- Abrüsten für den Frieden - Pressegespräch zum IPB World Congress "Disarm! For a Climate of Peace" 26.09.16171465
- "Wir stehen vor einer neuen Aufrüstungswelle" - Reiner Braun, Freitag 26.09.16171469
- Junge Menschen fordern Zukunft ohne Militär - BeobachterNews 22.09.16171470
- Militarism and the Young: Youth Gathering at the Disarmament Congress in Berlin - Pressenza 13.09.16171471