Actual Dates
- Network for Peace Events calendar (UK)14580
- Netzwerk Friedenskooperative - Peace Dates - huge German list ! (exemplary)14581
- Peace One Day14582
- Peace in the City14583
- Tour de Peace 2013 - USA (Archive)14585
- United Nations' International Day of Peace - September 2114586
- Reaching Critical Will - Latest news14587
- United Nations International Days and Weeks14588
- News and Events (War Resisters USA)14590
- Protest.Net !14592
- Peace 36514593
- CND (UK) - Events14594
- FOR USA - Peace Calendar14595
- February 15 - Global Vigil for Peace Flyer (pdf)14596
- War Resisters League - Events14597
- ProtestNet : List of Calendars - Choose a Region14598
- United States - ProtestNet14599
- Week of "Peace" - London14602
- ? Urban 75 - Events Diary (UK): direct action events, protests, demos and direct action14604
- UN Torture Day - June 2614605
- World Tibet Day - July 614606
- Global Peace Meditation and Prayer Day - December 2214607
- Tucson Peace Calendar14608
- Global Peace Summit 2025 - DEMAC 14.01.25 455105
- International Peace & Planet Network Conference - IPB 30.07.22300794