International Conscientious Objection Day - May 15

➡️ International Conscientious Objection Day, May 15 – Refuse War!
Conscientious Objection Day is dedicated to those who have refused to participate in armed conflict and military structures on moral, ethical, religious, or political grounds. The day highlights our universal right to peace and individual freedom of thought, conscience, and religion, as recognized by international human rights laws.
This annual celebration honours the courage it takes to stand up to governments, object to war, and promote non-violent means of resolving conflicts. The day is marked across the world with peace vigils, public demonstrations, and seminars, aimed at raising awareness about the role of conscientious objectors in peace-building efforts.
For further insight explore our categories on conscientious objectors by country, deserters, reliable news sources, peace, military, and conflict regions.
This year, War Resisters’ International are launching the international action campaign #RefuseWar! It highlights the increasing danger of militarisation in our societies and stands in solidarity with conscientious objectors worldwide.
As the Ukraine war rages on into its second year, we must ensure protection and the right to asylum for all those from Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine who refuse mandatory military service.
More recently, the Israel war on Gaza has prompted a surge in Israeli conscientious objection. Those advocating for peace and coexistence with the Palestinians are known as refuseniks. They are labelled traitors and risk lengthy prison sentences. In a country where military training is widely considered a rite of passage and part of national identity, pacifism and war resistance are highly stigmatised.
'War is a crime against humanity!' - Pope Francis
Regardless of this, in many countries there are harsh penalties for pacifists who refuse to bear arms. With increasing numbers refusing to fight, international support is needed more than ever. Conscientious objectors face imprisonment, discrimination, and other serious penalties.
Germany and South Korea are paving the way for a brighter outlook. Here the right to conscientious objection is acknowledged and alternative forms of service are provided, such as civil or community service. As there is no universal standard, the disparity in the treatment of conscientious objection raises important questions about human rights and the balance between national security and individual rights.

Throughout history, numerous movements have been significantly shaped by principles of conscientious objection. For instance, during World War I and II, the pacifist movements, including notable figures such as Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr, emphasized nonviolent resistance and conscientious objection to military service.
The Vietnam War also saw a substantial rise in conscientious objection in the United States, influencing public opinion and policy regarding military drafts. These movements not only challenged attitudes towards war but also contributed to broader social and political reforms.
Conscientious objection is a powerful form of protest. By refusing to serve in the military, we can make a strong political and moral statement against war, the military, and the use of violence to forge peace. High profile cases also serve as catalysts for public discussions about peace, human rights, and a peace-first approach to conflict resolution.
A modern example in the persecution of conscientious objectors is the ongoing case against Ukrainian peace activist Yurii Sheliazhenko. Yurii is a key member of the Ukrainian Pacifist Movement and a Council Member of the International Peace Bureau.
He has been charged by the Ukrainian government with justifying Russian aggression due to his vocal opposition to any escalation of the conflict. He has openly called for a ceasefire and peace talks to end the war. Throughout the war Ukraine has suppressed peace activism, and accused those expressing pacifist views, of in fact supporting Russia.
The challenges faced by conscientious objectors underscore the need for greater advocacy and legal protections that ensure the rights of conscientious objectors are upheld, promoting tolerance and understanding within societies.

War itself constitutes a tragic failure of diplomacy and politicians, as well as a bloody victory for militarism and war profiteers. Any persecution of those who object war constitutes a blatant violation of their fundamental human rights.
There is a great need for legal reforms in order to defend and support conscientious objectors around the world. We must protect our right to #RefuseWar!
Make sure to share our unique resource via ➡️ Twitter, Facebook and Instagram!
Author: Rachael Mellor, 14.05.24 licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0
For further reading on International Conscientious Objection Day see below ⬇️
- #InternationalConscientiousObjectionDay286546
- #StandWithObjectors348171
- #ObjectWar413421
- #ConscientiousObjection243183
- #CODay412647
- #RefuseWar412643
- #PacifistNotPassive286545
- #IObjectToWar286544
- #ObjectionDeConscience243184
- #ObjeciónDeConciencia243185
- #CODay2021243182
- @warresistersint - War Resisters' International - Twitter243337
- Alternative civilian service - Wikipedia243344
- Global Action - Refuse War411370
- Center on Conscience and War - Conscientious objection internationally: A survey of the Americas243335
- Conscription - Wikipedia243327
- Conscience Online (UK)243354
- Courage to Resist243353
- Conscientious Objectors - BBC History (archive)243355
- Dyce Work Camp - Wikipedia243348
- Dyce Work Camp - WW100 Scotland243908
- International Conscientious Objectors' Day - May 15th - PPU243179
- International Conscientious Objection Day on May 15th - WRI243177
- Men Who Said No243352
- Military service - Wikipedia243328
- OHCHR - Conscientious objection to military service243330
- Peace Pledge Union - The history of International Conscientious Objectors' Day243326
- Peace Works - Alternatives to military service243345
- Prisoners of Conscience243347
- Prisoner of conscience - Wikipedia243346
- Quakers in Britain - Conscientious objection243351
- Annual Report Conscientious Objection to Military Service in Europe - EBCO 2023/24 - PDF 413807
- Tweet: Our affiliate @vrizleme (Conscientious Objection Watch)is sharing testimonies of conscientious objectors from #Turkey. See below to see one of those testimonies - with…414502
- Tweet: We organised our second event on the occasion of the International Day of CO at @mordemsanat together with Amed Savaş Karşıtları İnisiyatifi, @barisicinkulturel. - @v…414503
- Tweet: Dünya Vicdani Retçiler Günü kapsamındaki ilk etkinliğimizi, dün, @izmir_akademi 'de gerçekleştirdik. Vicdani Ret İzleme olarak Türkçe çevirisini yaptığımız Shalom–Sal…414504
- Tweet: Entra en y clica en la cruz para ubicar y añadir tu aportación en solidaridad con la gente #RefuseWar. - @mambruMOC 16.05.24414511
- The Ukrainian Pacifist Movement Gathered on International Conscientious Objection Day - World Beyond War 16.05.24 414507
- Tweet: On International Conscientious Objection Day, heads of Quaker agencies from @QCEA, @BritishQuakers, @FWCCWorldOffice, Quaker Peace & Social Witness, @CFSCQuakers, @af…414510
- Tweet: Today, on International Conscientious Objection Day, we affirm the universal right to refuse to harm others. - @QuakerUNOffice 15.05.24414509
- End the Military Service! - Connection e.V - 15.05.24414500
- Video: International Conscientious Objectors' Day - National Ceremony 2024 - Peace Pledge Union 15.05.24414501
- Video: Vicdani Retçi Kenan Kahya Anlatıyor: Vicdani Ret Haktır - Vicdani Ret İzleme 15.05.24414506
- Tweet: ISHR fights to protect the will of citizens to participate or not in wars. We celebrate the International Day of Conscientious Objection! - @IS_HumanRights 15.05.24414508
- Israeli refusenik calls for an end to the persecution of conscientious objectors worldwide - PPU 15.05.24413806
- Türkiye'nin Vicdani Ret sınavı: Yasa dışı, yalnız ve zorlu - Bianet 15.05.24 - tr414505
- Tweet: Today (15th May) is International Conscientious Objection Day - a day to celebrate conscientious objectors' resistance to war. Today activists from multiple countries …413808
- Tweet: #LestWeForget Today is #CODay - @PeaceMovementA 15.05.24413809
- Tweet:"Refusing is holding onto humanity, both of yourself and of the people on the other side of the border." listen to a speech by Mesarvot activist Yona, that was read in …413804
- Tweet: The International Conscientious Objectors' Day event in London was a great success. Congratulations due to our friends at @warresistersint and @forpeacemaker - @Dis…413805
- Tweet: Public statement from Asamblea Antimilitarista in solidarity with the family and friends of Franco Vargas, and all conscripts who have suffered abuse and death during …413810
- Tweet: "Vicdani ret güçlü bir protesto biçimidir. Orduya hizmet etmeyi reddederek savaşa, şiddete ve militarizme karşı durabilir; barışı sağlamak için güçlü bir politik hat y…413811
- Tweet: On International Conscientious Objection Day, heads of Quaker agencies from @QCEA , @BritishQuakers , @FWCCWorldOffice , Quaker Peace & Social Witness, @CFSCQuaker…413812
- Tweet: Hoy 15 de mayo, Día Internacional de la Objecion de Conciencia, recordamos la historia del rifle roto, el símbolo internacional del antimilitarismo. Apareció por 1era …413813
- EBCO Press Release: Publication of EBCO Annual Report “Conscientious Objection to Military Service in Europe 2023/24” on May 15th, international conscientious objection day -…413422
- Tweet:May 15 is International Conscientious Objectors Day. Follow @ebcobeoc for their release tomorrow of a new report on the rights of CO's across Europe, including contribu…413423
- Tweet: I object to dumb mass murder and militarist yoke; I #RefuseWar, #ObjectWar. - @sheliazhenko 13.05.24413420
- Tweet: 15 May World Conscientious Objectors' Day, we will watch the documentary ‘Shalom-Salaam-Peace’ translated into Turkish by @vrizleme and discuss the anti-war struggle …413424
- Tweet: On the occasion of International Conscientious Objection Day, 15th May, we are launching the international action #RefuseWar! - @warresistersint 11.05.24412642
- Tweet: At the National Ceremony for #CODay next week, we will hear a speech by Or, an Israeli conscientious objector and member of the feminist anti-militarist organisation N…412644
- Tweet: "If you are planning anything for International Conscientious Objectors' Day, or have any stories or experiences of conscientious objection, please get in touch at mai…412648
- International Action #RefuseWar – Join in! - EBCO 08.05.24411591
- Tweet: GLOBAL ACTION !!! #refusewar !!! Stimmen aus der ganzen Welt widersprechen dem Kriegstreiben! Gib auch deine Stimme GEGEN DEN KRIEG auf der interaktiven Karte ein, für…411595
- Tweet: Dünyanın dört bir yanında savaşlar milyonları öldürüyor, toplumları yok ediyor, geniş coğrafyaları harap ediyor, geleceğimizi yağmalıyor. Ancak savaşın olduğu her yerd…411593
- Tweet: Around the world, wars kill millions, destroy communities, and ruin vast landscapes, while plundering the future of humanity and lining the pockets of war profiteers. …411592
- Tweet: Want to get involved on International Conscientious Objectors' Day on May 15th? - @GreenhamWomen 07.05.24412646
- Conscientious objectors need your support: Take action and donate for objectors from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine! - Connection e.V 07.05.24411374
- International Action #RefuseWar – Join in! - WRI 07.05.24411941
- Acción internacional #RefuseWar - En Pie de Paz 07.05.24 - es411597
- #RefuseWar – il MIR partecipa al lancio della nuova azione internazionale di rifiuto della guerra - MIR Italia 07.05.24411373
- Tweet: Donde hay guerra, hay gente que se resiste a la máquina de la guerra. #RefuseWar es una acción global de cara al Día Internacional de la Objeción de Conciencia - @mamb…411596
- #ObjectWarCampaign braucht Ihre Unterstützung – Aktiv werden und spenden - Connection e.V 07.05.24 - de411376
- Tweet: Internationaler Tag der Kriegsdienstverweigerung, mehr Infos - @IDKSprecher 07.05.24 - de411371
- Weeks of action to the International Day of Conscientious Objection, May 15, 2024 - Connection e.V 07.05.24411375
- Aktionswochen zum Internationalen Tag der Kriegsdienstverweigerung, 15. Mai - Connection e.V 07.05.24 - de411377
- Tweet: Don't forget C.O Day on 15 May. Join us in #Edinburgh for a rally in solidarity w Conscientious Objectors in Israel, Ukraine, Russia & around the world, whose human ri…412645
- Tweet: Join an event marking International Conscientious Objectors' Day on Wednesday 15th May. - @DisarmQuaker 02.05.24412649
- Tweet: Dünya Vicdani Retçiler Günü kapsamında düzenleyeceğimiz etkinliklerde Vicdani Ret İzleme olarak Türkçe çevirisini yaptığımız “Shalom–Salaam–Peace” belgeselini izliyor,…411372
- [#RefuseWar] Heraus zum 1. Mai – verweigern wir unsere Arbeit der Kriegsindustrie und den Armeen! - 01.05.24 - de411594
- Tweet: «Chiediamo il pieno rispetto del diritto umano all’obiezione di coscienza al servizio militare che è universale e non derogabile». Al delirio del predominio militare g…348163
- Tweet: #12años15M siempre #NoALasGuerras #GastosMiliratesParaFinesSociales hoy frente al cuartel general en Cibeles gracias a @Antimilitarist2 y @MdN_Madrid y colectivos en l…348162
- Tweet: Consegnate a Roma alle sedi diplomatiche ucraine, russe e bielorusse le 50mila firme raccolte in Europa dalla #ObjectWarCampaign: riconoscere il diritto all'obiezione …348166
- Tweet: Europeans #StandWithObjectors! As the date to meet representatives of the @EU_Commission approached, petition signatures leaped from 35 to over 48,000. - @wemoveEU 17…348165
- Tweet: La #Pace in piazza: i rappresentanti delle associazioni italiane aderenti alla #ObjectWarCampaign hanno consegnato il testo dell'appello che ha raccolto 50.000 firme a…348164
- Video: L’obiezione è un diritto, la campagna raccoglie 50mila firme: consegnate alle ambasciate di Russia e Ucraina - Dire 16.05.23 - it346504
- Tweet: 30 Organisationen haben heute, am Internationalen Tag d. #Kriegsdienstverweigerung, zum Schutz aller, die in Russland, Belarus & der Ukraine den Kriegsdienst verweiger…348170
- 15th May is the most meaningful day of May - Connection e.V. 15.05.23346523
- Tweet: Die #ObjectWarCampaign hat heute fast 50.000 Unterschriften an die @EU_Commission überreicht. Mit der Aktion wurde ein deutliches Zeichen gesetzt, den Krieg in der Ukr…348169
- Tweet: Bugün, 15 Mayıs Dünya Vicdani Retçiler Günü.Savaşa, orduya, gündelik yaşamdaki militarizme direnen retçilerin günü... - @vrizleme 15.05.23 - tr 346505
- Tweet: On this day, QCEA stands with all conscientious objectors in Belarus, Russia and Ukraine. Hear from Alexia Tsouni, President of EBCO sharing insights about the situati…348168
- Tweet: White flowers are now being laid on the Conscientious Objectors' Memorial Stone as names are read out of a sample of conscientious objectors, past and present, from ar…346520
- Tweet: 47.952 Unterschriften haben wir am heutigen "Internationalen Tag der Kriegsdienstverweigerung" an die EU-Kommission in Berlin übergeben: Schutz und Asyl für alle aus R…346508
- Tweet: Heute ist der Internationale Tag der #Kriegsdienstverweigerung. Wir fordern von der EU: Öffnen Sie die Grenzen! Schützen Sie Kriegsdienstverweigerer & Deserteure aus R…348167
- Tweet: My interview with @ebcobeoc on the importance of solidarity with conscientious objectors in wartime, and in the conflict in Ukraine. - @ClareDalyMEP 15.05.23346507
- Tweet: Bugün, 15 Mayıs Dünya Vicdani Retçiler Günü. Din veya #inançözgürlüğü hakkı, zorunlu askerlik hizmetine karşı vicdani ret hakkını da güvence altına alıyor. - @inancozg…346506
- Tweet: Did you know today is International Conscientious Objectors' Day? And did you know there have been conscientious objectors in the history of Stoneygate Baptist? - @Sto…346510
- Tweet: Today we joined the national ceremony for International Conscientious Objectors’ Day. We remembered those who refused to bear arms and participate in war, throughout h…346512
- Tweet: Today is International Conscientious Objectors' Day. We must uphold the right to refuse to kill. Solidarity with those bravely resisting war & conscription & all those…346516
- We can win in this war only if we agree NOT to fight in it - Connection e.V. 15.05.23346526
- Tweet: CO day today - we stood in solidarity with all who refuse to kill and have done so for generations - @PeaceAbingdon 15.05.23346514
- Tweet: It is International Conscientious Objectors Day today. Here is playwright @MichaelMears7 starting off the ceremony in Tavistock Sq in London - @DisarmQuaker 15.05.23 346515