- Campaign to End the Indefinte National Slavery in Eritrea142960
- Stop Slavery in Eritrea video - you tube142961
- Filimon : I am not a slave - youtube142962
- Missing in action: How Eritrean football was deflated at home and abroad - Al Jazeera 28.11.23386237
- Conscientious objection led to real persecution: the sad report of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Eritrea - Pressenza 21.09.23386241
- UN investigator says Eritreans experienced torture and sexual violence during national service - AP News 08.08.23386240
- Eritreans experienced forced labor under compulsory national service - Freedom United 07.08.23386242
- Eritrea: Crackdown on Draft Evaders’ Families - HRW 09.02.23386239
- IFOR raises concern at the UN over forced conscription in Eritrea - War Resisters’ International 21.03.22386238
- Folterstaat Eritrea Die dramatische Situation Geflüchteter, eine Konferenz und die Perspektiven solidarischer Vernetzung 1/18142966
- Publication : The Eritrean National Service. Servitude for ‘the Common Good’ and the Youth Exodus. GAIM KIBREAB 2017142967
- Publication : Sexual Violence in the Eritrean National Service. Gaim Kibreab 3/17142968
- Publication : EASO-Bericht über Herkunftsländer- Informationen Eritrea: Nationaldienst und illegale Ausreise 2016142972
- Eritrean Antimilitarist Initiative - EAI142973
- European Parliament resolution on the situation in Eritrea - 10 March 2016142974
- Statement by Ms. Sheila B. Keetharuth, Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights in Eritrea at the 31th session of the Human Rights Council Agenda - item 4 - 14 Ma…142978
- Eritrean Conscripts Are Not Slaves - HRCE - 3/16142979
- Recently, the Information Minister of Eritrea, Mr Yemane Gebermeskel, confirmed that indefinite National Service is going to remain without fundamental change, but that the g…142980
- European Parliament Calls on the Eritrean Government to End Indefinite National Service and Demobilise Recruits 3/16142984
- Hanna Petros Testimony: Victim of torture & former conscript of indefinite 'National Service' 2015142986
- Eritrea - Desertion, Flucht & Asyl - connection 9/10142990