General Info
- Conscientious Objection to Military Service in Turkey - İnanç Özgürlüğü Girişimi 05.01.22300865
- Turkey : Country report and update - wri 126938
- The Right of CO and The Use of This Right - - tr300864
- History of Nonviolence in Turkey - Hilal Demir126939
- Vicdani Ret Hakkı - Ankara Barosu Dergisi 4/11- tr - PDF 301346
- Draft law on Conscientious Objection to military service by BDP 2011 - Turkish126940
- Draft law on Conscientious objection to military service by BDP 2011 - German126941
- Conscientious Objection in Turkey - KDV Report126942
- Freedom for the Freedom of Expression (Archive)126943