- Refusal to serve in the IDF - Wikipedia 382545
- Petition- Voice your solidarity with the Israeli and Palestinians working to stop war - Refuser Solidarity Network381277
- I refuse - Druze conscientious objectors in Israel - facebook18300
- Refuser Solidarity Network Washington, D.C. - facebook18319
- I refuse - facebook - ar18301
- New Profile - he/en18302
- New Profile - twitter18303
- Refusal to serve in the IDF - facebook18304
- Don't Serve !18305
- Merarvor - facebook 18306
- Refusal to serve in the IDF - facebook18307
- IASA Alumni & Students' Military Refusal Letter - he/ar/en18308
- @againstwarvoice381276
- @Mesarvot_415945
- Tweet: On my way to the arrest cell at the enlistmentbase, then to trail and prison, for my refusal to enlist to the iof. - @ella_keidar 19.03.25461584
- Tweet: Ella Keidar Greenberg is refusing enlistment today. Here she it outside the enlistment camp with a sign: "Not a Clerk and not a Tankist, A Refuser and a Communist" - @…461586
- Tweet: Ella Keidar refused to enlist in the Israeli army now! We will not take part in the genocide in Gaza or the oppression of the Palestinian people. - @itamar_green 19.03…461583
- Tweet: Ella is refusing now We accompanied her today to the enlistment base, as she accompanied me a few months ago - @iddoelam 19.03.25461587
- Tweet: Ella Keidar Greenberg, who will refuse to enlist tomorrow, on the resumption of the genocide in Gaza - @Mesarvot_ 18.03.25461588
- Tweet: We must refuse to the Genocide Last night the Israeli government and military decided to return to their mission of extermination in the Gaza Strip. In mere hours hund…461585
- Tweet: Ella Keidar @ellakdr_ an 18-year old Israeli activist with the refuser network @mesarvot is due to enlist today. Instead, she will refuse to serve – a move likely to r…461589
- Tweet: İsrailli vicdani retçi Itamar Greenberg, 197 günlük hapis cezasının ardından serbest bırakıldı: "Serbest bırakılmam sadece hapis cezasının sonu değil, bizi eğmeye çalı…461097
- Video: Webinar: Refuse the War: Israeli Conscientious Objectors Share Their Stories - World Beyond War 16.03.25461108
- Tweet: On Wednesday, @ella_keidar will refuse to enlist in the Israeli army. Her refusal is a courageous act of conscience, a stand for justice despite the personal cost. I a…461098
- Tweet: Great video report on the young Israelis refusing to serve - @rachshabi 15.03.25461099
- Tweet: Ella on worries for her upcoming refusal this Wednesday, in the panel "who's afraid of the woke left?” - @Mesarvot_ 14.03.25461100
- The Israeli army jailed Itamar Greenberg, a teenager, for refusing Gaza military service. He says he made the right choice - The New Arab 14.03.25461109
- 197 gün sonra serbest kalan İsrailli vicdani retçi: Nehir ile deniz arasında barış sağlanana kadar devam - 13.03.25461102
- Refusing to fight: Israelis against the war in Gaza - Guardian 12.03.25461110
- Tweet: The world needs more of this ASAP! - @umyaznemo 12.03.25461101
- Tweet: Refusenik Itamar Greenberg is free! after 197 days of imprisonment Itamar was finally released from military jail. - @Mesarvot_ 12.03.25461103
- Tweet: The Israeli army has finally decided to release me today after 197 days in prison. It was a long and exhausting time, but my refusal to enlist is only the first step o…461105
- Tweet: "We refuse to hold a weapon—but I ask you to refuse to supply it." Listen to Itamar Greenberg's message, who is returning to prison for the 6th time today. - @Mesarvot…461106
- Tweet: Two conscientious objectors, Iddo Elam and Soul Bachar Tsalik have been officially released from the military prison! - @Mesarvot_ 26.02.25461107
- Refusenik speaking tour March 2025 - IJV Canada 20.02.25461104
- Tweet: Ella Keidar is planning to refuse this upcoming march, follow us to support her, hear her stories, and the rest of our consciousness objectors! @Mesarvot_ 12.02.25461111
- Tweet: @Mesarvot_ calls to write letters and stand in solidarity with Itamar Greenberg and Netta Lannes Arbel, conscientious objectors imprisoned in Israel! - @ebcobeoc 09.0…455893
- Tweet: @Mesarvot_ protested for the release of the conscientious objectors Itamar Greenberg ve Netta Lannes Arbel. - @ebcobeoc 09.02.25455892
- Tweet: @Mesarvot_ dün, tutuklu vicdani retçiler Itamar Greenberg ve Netta Lannes Arbel'in serbest bırakılması için, retçilerin bulunduğu cezaevi önünde bir dayanışma eylemi d…455895
- Tweet: İsrailli vicdani retçiler Itamar Greenberg ve Netta Lannes Arbel işgali ve katliamı reddettikleri için hapiste! Itamar toplamda 195 gün, Netta bir aydan fazla hapis ce…455894
- Tweet: From Gaza to Jenin, Israel won't stop murdering children. Over 2 weeks have passed since the ceasefire in Gaza took effect. - @Mesarvot_ 08.02.25455897
- Tweet: Today, outside of prison 10, we protested for the release of the conscientious objectors Itamar and Neta. Itamar has already been sentenced to 195 days in prison, for …455896
- Tweet: Write to the Refuseniks! Itamar Greenberg and Netta Lannes Arbel are imprisoned over and over for their refusal to occupation and massacre. Itamar has been sentenced t…455898
- What a 20th-century revolutionary can teach us about resisting genocide today - +972mag 27.01.25455886
- Tweet: Read Tal Mitnick's interview in Metro: Altogether, Tal Mitnick spent 185 days in prison until the military conceded defeat and sent him an exemption letter – but he do…455899
- Tweet: İsrail’den vicdani retçi örgüt @Mesarvot_ ’un 17 Ocak’ta, Gazze ateşkesine dair yayınladığı açıklamanın Türkçe çevirisini paylaşıyoruz:"Şimdi sadece iyileşme değil, a…455888
- “Because Soldiers Don’t Ask Questions” - Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung 20.01.25455884
- WRI exec statement: on the Israel-Hamas ceasefire - War Resisters’ International 20.01.25455885
- ‘I refused to join the Israel Defence Forces – here is what happened’ - Metro 19.01.25455887
- Tweet: On Wednesday evening we received a glimmer of hope for the first time in over a year when, finally, a ceasefire and prisoner exchange agreement between israel and hama…455889
- Tweet: @itamar_green refused to the Israeli army. He is going back to prison tomorrow, after already serving 150 days. Stand up, resist, truth will win - @Mesarvot_ 13.01.25455890
- Netta Lannes Arbel: Gözlerimi kapatmayı reddediyorum - Evrensel 12.01.25 - tr455891
- Tweet: İsrail'de savaş karşıtları, Tel Aviv'deki IDF karargahı ve Savunma Bakanlığı önündeki eylemde, askerlere soykırıma hizmeti reddetme çağrısı yaptı ve onlara Gazze'deki …449677
- İsrailli vicdani retçi Itamar Greenberg’den uluslararası topluma çağrı - bianet 09.01.25 - tr449678
- Tweet: “İsrail’e silah, finansman ve meşruiyet akışını durdurmak için elinizden gelen her şeyi yapın.” - @DirenenSerdar 09.01.25 - tr449679
- Tweet: I’m an Israeli genocide, occupation, and oppression refusnik. After serving 150 days in military prison, I faced the IOF's unsuitability committee today. - @itamar_gre…449680
- Tweet: Last Sunday, we gathered at the IOF headquarters and Ministry of Defence in Tel Aviv to remind soldiers that whether they're pulling triggers, pressing buttons, or mak…449676
- Tweet: "Anyone wearing a uniform is an accomplice in the murder of tens of thousands" - @ireallyhateyou 06.01.25449675
- 'A Moral Obligation': Protesters Outside IDF Headquarters Call to Refuse Army Service - Haaretz 06.01.25449682
- Tweet: Graffiti seen in Tel Aviv: It is a duty to refuse to the Gaza genocide. - @Mesarvot_ 03.01.25449681
- Tweet: Netta Lannes Arbel declared his refusal to continue his military service in the IDF: "I refuse because I believe that we can live in this country in peace and security…447651
- Tweet: @Mesarvot'un İsrail ordusunun eğitim üssü kompleksi önünde düzenlediği eylemde Netta Lannes Arbel askerlik hizmetine devam etmeyi reddettiğini açıkladı: “Reddediyorum …447650
- Tweet: Today we demonstrated in front of the Israeli Army's training base complex in support of Refusenik Netta Lannes Arbel who declared his refusal to continue his military…447648
- Tweet: Remember that a month ago, Iddo and Soul incarcerated for refusing to enlist?? A month later, Iddo and Soul are being released home. In the coming days, we'll find out…447649
- Video: Why Some Israelis Refuse to Serve in the IDF - Foundation for Middle East Peace 23.12.24447647
- Israel - "Refusers": Morality and Patriotism - Novi Magazine 22.12.24447645
- Gaza, the Palestinian Guernica - Haaretz 22.12.24447646
- How a hostage family leader became one of the loudest anti-war voices in Israel - +972mag 06.12.24443666
- Tweet: Itamar Greenberg is imprisoned because of his refusal to participate in the occupation. This month we received a letter from him about his thoughts in prison. Read wha…443669
- Report from anti-war congress in Hamburg - Freedom News 04.12.24443667
- Why these Israeli men volunteered to fight - but now refuse to return to Gaza - BBC 04.12.24443671
- “You Can’t Buy Paradise with Blood” - Jacobin 03.12.24443668
- Tweet: Tutuklu İsrailli retçiler Itamar Greenberg, Yuval Moav, Iddo Elam ve Soul Behar Tsalik ile dayanışmaya çağırıyoruz! Şu ana kadar Itamar 150 gün, Yuval 125 gün, Iddo ve…443670
- Tweet: The refusal statement of Soul Behar Tsalik, who was sentenced to 30 days in military prison - @Mesarvot_ 01.12.24442957
- Tweet: Iddo, Soul, Itamar and Yuval are currently imprisoned because of their positions. And they want you to write them letters! It costs nothing, but the impact of your sol…442956
- Tweet: The refusal statement of Iddo Elam, who was sentenced to 30 days in military prison - @Mesarvot_ 01.12.24442958
- Tweet: @DirenenSerdar'ın çevirisiyle İsrailli vicdani retçi Soul Behar Tsalik'in vicdani ret deklarasyonu yayında: "Etnik ya da siyasi çizginin hangi tarafında doğmuş olursak…442961
- Soul Behar Tsalik: Gazze’den çıkın! - Evrensel 01.12.24 - tr442959
- Video: Israel’s conscientious objectors prepare for jail - CGTN Europe 30.11.24442954
- Tweet: Read Soul Behar Tsalik's refusal statement. Soul was sentenced to 30 days in military prison on Wednesday - @Mesarvot_ 29.11.24442960
- Tweet: Solidarity with Israeli refusers! - @ebcobeoc 29.11.24442832
- Tweet: İsrail'de retçiler direniyor! Iddo Elam ve Soul Behar, Tel Hashomer askerlik şubesi önündeki eylemde vicdani retlerini açıkladı ve IDF'de yer almayacaklarını duyurdu. …442831
- Tweet: Ceasefire Everywhere! Yona, a Messrvot activist, writes: Like many others, I was glad from the announcement of the ceasefire deal between Israel and Lebanon. - @Mesarv…442818
- Tweet: Iddo Elam and Soul Behar Tsalic were both sentenced for 30 days in military prison. Itamar Greenberg who already done 105 days was sentenced to another 45 days.- @Mes…442821
- ‘We must use every tool to resist’: Israeli teens jailed for refusing military service - +975mag 28.11.24442812
- Tweet: Solidarity with war refusers. Support them by donating to Mesarvot and writing letters to the imprisoned refuseniks through the link in our bio - @Mesarvot_ 28.11.24442817
- Tweet: Yesterday @iddoelam, @soul83563989 & @itamar_green refused to enlist in the Israeli Army in protest over the war in Gaza and the ongoing occupation. They were sentence…442820
- Tweet: Supporting Iddo and Soul! War Refusers Iddo Elam and Soul Behar Tsalic declared their refusal this morning in the Tel Hashomer draft office. - @Mesarvot_ 27.11.24442824
- Tweet: the most honorable thing you can do is refuse to be a part of this genocide. I have endless respect for the conscientious objectors. israeli's who follow me should joi…442823
- Tweet: Today I refused to enlist. Here are my reasons - @soul83563989 27.11.24442822
- Tweet: Three Israeli teens are entering jail today for refusing to serve in the Israel Genocide Forces - @ireallyhateyou 27.11.24442819
- Tweet: During the protest supporting the two Israeli 18 y/o conscientious objectors, the activists that came to support them chanted "Soul and Iddo Elam refuse genocide" @Me…442825
- The Consequences of Refusing to Serve in Israel's Military - NPR 25.11.24442814
- Two conscientious objectors refuse to enlist in the Israeli army: “Get Out of Gaza now!” - Pressenza 25.11.24442813
- Israel conscientious objection - NPR 25.11.24442955
- Why Do You Refuse to Serve in Israel's Army? 'This Government Isn't Bothered by War Crimes' - Haaretz 24.11.24442815
- Tweet: On Wednesday, Iddo and Soul will refuse to enlist in the Israeli army and will be sent to prison. This is a brave and difficult decision, but a necessary one. Refusing…442826
- Tweet: Read what Yuval, mesarvot network activist, had to write about the new article by Revital Hovel in "The Hottest Place in Hell" - @Mesarvot_ 20.11.24442827
- Tweet: Tonight in Berlin, 19-year-old Israeli conscientious objector Sofia Orr @Mesarvot_ shared her story of how she spent over 80 days in a military prison for refusing to …442828
- Tweet: 26 Ekim'de, İsrail'den savaş karşıtı aktivist Dana Mills ve vicdani retçi Einat Gerlitz ile 7 Ekim 2023'den bu yana Filistin'de yaşanan savaşı ve soykırımı, bunlara ka…442829