Conscientious Objection in General
- #ObjectWarCampaign307897
- #StandWithObjectors307898
- CO Country reports and updates - Ukraine - WRI183595
- Ukrainian Pacifist Movement - PDF by EBCO276992
- EBCO - @ebcobeoc284351
- Conscientious Objection - Ukraine - WRI183596
- Military Service in Ukraine - Wikipedia183598
- Amnesty International - Ukraine183599
- Law on alternative Service - rus183602
- Violations of human right to conscientious objection to military service in Ukraine: from 24 February 2022 to November 2023 - Report of EBCO393897
- Law of Ukraine: On alternative (non-military) service (1992-2008) - eng183600
- Russia/Ukraine: Peace is the only solution! Protect conscientious objectors and all civilians - EBCO 24.02.22 *.pdf278384
- Ukraine: Annual report on freedom of thought, conscience and religion in Ukraine - HRWF 6/16183597
- Whether CO on the basis of religion is a ground for exemption from military service - UN Refugee Agency183603
- military prosecutor's office of the Southern region of Ukraine - eng183604
- military prosecutor's office of the Southern region of Ukraine - rus183605
- Український рух пацифістів/Ukrainian Pacifist Movement - fb - ukr276993
- Український рух пацифістів/Ukrainian Pacifist Movement - telegram - ukr276994
- ПРАВДОШУКАЧ/The Truth Seeker (Newspaper) - eng/ru/ukr276995
- Berlin: Emergency exit posters demand asylum for conscientious objectors - Our House 06.01.25449118
- Tweet: Ukraine violates constitutional right to conscientious objection to draft – OHCHR Ukraine's actions during the ongoing conflict have drawn criticism from the Office of…449117
- Ukraine's legal framework on conscientious objection under scrutiny, UN finds - Caliber 01.01.25449119
- As Ukraine Struggles for Troops, Its Constitutional Court Considers the Rights of Conscientious Objectors - Just Security 12.11.24449116
- Ukraine: About 300 criminal cases against conscientious objectors - WRI 29.11.24449124
- As Ukraine Struggles for Troops, Its Constitutional Court Considers the Rights of Conscientious Objectors - Just Security 12.11.24449120
- UKRAINE: About 300 criminal cases against conscientious objectors - Forum18 30.10.24449121
- UKRAINE: Recruitment offices, military detain, pressure and torture conscientious objectors - Forum18 18.10.24449122
- Oral statement given at the plenary of the Human Rights Council on the situaton of human rights in Ukraine - Connection e.V 08.10.24449123
- Webinar on Conscientious Objection in the Situation of War in Ukraine - EBCO 07.12.23393896
- "OBJECT WAR CAMPAIGN" LAUNCH : Petition to support Conscientious Objectors and Deserters from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine - EBCO 9/22307899
- Petition to support Conscientious Objectors and Deserters from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine - Connection e.V 9/22307900
- Petition to support Conscientious Objectors and Deserters from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine - WRI 9/22307901
- Petition to support Conscientious Objectors and Deserters from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine - IFOR 9/22307902