Belarus - CO
- Country report and updates - Belarus - wri144246
- Campaign for alternative service 144247
- Campaign for alternative service - ru144251
- Campaign for alternative service - fb144252
- Центр прав призывника -Center for the Right of Draftees - ru144253
- Center for the Right of Draftees 144257
- #protection4olga368083
- Deserters and conscientious objectors from Ukraine, Russia and Belarus need your support - Connection e.V 08.01.25449279
- A Belarusian Soldier Commited Suicide - Our House 30.11.24449273
- A website offering help to conscripts to evade military service was blocked in Belarus - Our House 26.11.24449276
- Belarusian conscientious objector Maksim Vaitkevichius has been granted political asylum in Armenia - Our House 26.11.24449275
- “Our House” anti-war initiatives get more than a million views: support for conscientious objectors and deserters in Belarus - Our House 26.11.24449274
- Small town in the Belarusian countryside held a show trial of a conscientious objector - Our House 26.11.24449277
- The War in Ukraine and the Crisis of Masculinity: Impacts on Society and the Path to Peacebuilding - Our House 20.11.24449278
- Guaranteeing Protection and Asylum for Conscientious Objectors, Deserters and War Resisters! - Church&Peace 04.11.24449281
- Protection For Belarusian Conscientious Objectors Vitali Dvarashyn and Mikita Sviryd - Object War Campaign 31.07.24449280
- Lithuanian Migration Department claims that Belarusians have no right to refuse to serve in the army - Our House 29.07.24426364
- Protection for Belarusian conscientious objectors like Vitali Dvarashyn and Mikita Sviryd who are under threat of deportation to Belarus - Pressenza 29.07.24425609
- Friedensaktivistin Olga Karatch wurde wegen ihrer Menschenrechtsarbeit in Abwesenheit zu 12 Jahren Haft verurteilt - Connection e.V 10.07.24 - de422228
- Olga Karach è stata condannata a 12 anni di carcere a causa delle sue attività per i diritti umani - MIR Italia 09.07.24 - it422227
- JOINT PRESS RELEASE: Peace Activist Olga Karach Was Sentenced to 12 Years in Prison Due to Her Human Rights Activities - EBCO 09.07.24422219
- WHRD Olga Karach sentenced to 12 years in prison in absentia in Belarus - Our House 08.07.24422220
- Oral statement given at Interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Belarus UN Human Rights Council, 56th Session - Our House 03.07.24422221
- Mikita Sviryd: The story of a Belarusian deserter in Lithuania, stuck between the threat of death penalty in Belarus and illegal refugee status in Lithuania - Our House 22.06…422222
- Vitali Dvarashyn: The Story of how a Belarusian conscientious objector to military service gets caught in the millstones of two state systems in Lithuania and in Belarus - Ou…422223
- International Day of Conscientious Objectors in Vilnius - Our House 16.05.24422224
- Olga Karach became a member of the most reputable organization helping conscientious objectors to military service - Our House 11.02.24422226
- Will Belarusians fight against Ukraine on Russia’s side? - Our House 11.02.24422225
- Campaign launched to demand asylum for Belarusian peace builder - Peace News 01.10.23376406
- Solidarity and campaign planning - Our House 14.09.23372124
- What Belarusian children are taught at “military patriotic” clubs - Our House 14.09.23372123
- Tweet: Protect and grant asylum to Belarusian peace activist and human rights defender Olga Karatch! - @ebcobeoc 24.08.23368089
- Tweet: #Lithuania: Protect and grant asylum to Belarusian peacebuilder and human rights defender Olga Karatch - @warresistersint 24.08.23368085
- Tweet: Nachdem die litauischen Behörden der belarussischen Menschenrechtsverteidigerin Olga Karatch politisches Asyl verweigert haben, haben wir die int. Kampagne gestartet…368087
- Tweet: Join us in supporting Olga Karatch, a brave human rights defender seeking asylum in Lithuania! Help by sharing #protection4olga and #ObjectWarCampaign! - @IntlPeaceBur…368084
- International campaign protection and asylum for human rights defender olga karatch #protection4olga - Pressenza 24.08.23368086
- Campagna internazionale protezione e asilo per la difensora dei diritti umani Olga Karatch #protection4olga - Pressenza 23.08.23 - it 368088
- International campaign: Protection and asylum for human rights defender Olga Karach - Our House 23.08.23368082
- “You are guilty just because you exited Belarus…” - Our House 18.08.23366874
- Report on the situation of Belarusian Conscientious Objectors and draft evaders in Lithuania - Our House 17.08.23366726
- Report on the situation of Belarusian refugees in Lithuania - Our House 17.08.23366729
- “Sabotage Putin’s war!” Action for the right to asylum for conscientious objectors - Our House 09.08.23364863
- The Belarusian conscientious objector Ivan Strashkevich released from custody and is a free man in Poland - Our House 08.08.23364864
- Our House and Olga Karach Nominated for the 2024 Nobel Peace Prize - Our House 07.08.23364286
- “Two in One”: Trials of Conscientious Objectors in Baranovichi and Stolin - Our House 06.08.23364287
- Show Trial in Stolin: Intimidating Potential Army Evaders - Our House 06.08.23364288
- Appeal to support ukrainian pacifist Yurii Sheliazhenko - Our House 05.08.23372122
- Rechitsa: public trial of a conscientious objector - Our House 03.08.23364289
- Trials of conscientious objectors: the turn of Dzyarzhynsk - Our House 02.08.23364290
- Lithuanian court imposed a fine in the amount of 100 Euro on the Migration Service of Lithuania for being late with their reply - Our House 02.08.23364291
- I do not wage war. Meeting with conscientious objectors from Ukraine, Russia and Belarus - Pressenza 28.07.23363044
- Ivan Strashkevich, Belarusian conscientious objector: innocent, but still behind bars - OUr House 28.07.23362685
- Trial of a Draft Dodger: The “Lida Precedent” - Our House 17.07.23362687
- The Sentence for Ignoring the Enlistment Office - Our House 17.07.23362686
- Month-Long Extension of Detention for Ivan Strashkevich - Our House 15.07.23362688
- Belarusians stood up for Ivan Strashkevich, a Belarusian conscientious objector - Our House 12.07.23362689
- The Belarusian conscientious objector, Vitali Dvarashyn, needs a letter of support - Our House 12.07.23362690
- Lithuanian Migration and the State Security Department of Lithuania filed an appeal against the judgment of the Lithuanian court of first instance’s - Our House 12.07.23359192
- Authoritative international anti-war organizations have spoken out in support of Ivan Strashkevich - Our House 11.07.23359193
- At the Interactive Dialogue with Special Rapporteur on Belarus, talked about the situation with Belarusian conscientious objectors in Lithuania - Our House 08.07.23359194
- Interactive Dialogue with Special Rapporteur on Belarus: Addressing the Situation of Belarusian Conscientious Objectors in Lithuania - Our House 08.07.23366727
- EBCO and WRI open letter to the Lithuanian immigration authorities - War Resisters’ International 04.07.23359191
- Urgent: we need the letter of support for Belarusian CO Ivan Strashkevich in Lithuania - Our House 03.07.23356582
- Belarusian conscientious objector is imprisoned in Lithuanian refugee camp - Our House 29.06.23356583
- Peace activists demand protection from persecution of Belarusian conscientious objectors and peace activists - Our House 28.06.23356584
- Authoritative international anti-war organizations have spoken out in support of a Belarusian individual in Lithuania - Our House 27.06.23356585
- Urgent international support! Conscientious objection also in Belarus - Pressenza 23.06.23356581
- Belarusian conscientious objectors and deserters: under pressure but not giving up - Our House 03.05.23345042
- Situation with Evasion from Service in Belarusian Army: Chronology of Events after Start of Russian Aggression Against Ukraine - Our House 10.04.23340408
- The situation with Belarusian conscientious objectors and deserters was discussed at the 52nd session of the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva - Our House 30.03.23340409
- IFOR speaks at the UN on militarization of children and violations of the right to conscientious objection in Belarus - IFOR 22.03.23340407
- KYIV supports Belarusian conscientious objectors and Belarusian deserters - Our House 23.02.23366728
- Solidarity action near the Belarusian embassy in Berlin - Our House 20.02.23340410
- No Means No – to the War in Ukraine - Our House 02.02.23340411
- “Our House” and more than 60 other organisations support help to Belarusian deserters - Our House 10.06.22340412
- Call to Belarusian Men to Refuse Recruitment to Fight for Russia in Ukraine - connection-ev 02.03.22 - en/de276461
- Women’s campaign “We Shall Bring Belarusian Soldiers Back to Their Mothers!” / NO Means NO - 03/22 276427
- Belarus and the War in Ukraine - taz 06.03.22 - de276460
- UN appeal for fined conscientious objector - WRI 12.01.22 - en/es 276457
- Belarus plans to tighten requirements for civil servants - - 16.12.20228984
- Compulsory military service as a penalty for student protests - 8/20228987
- Determine the order of receiving the alternative service and the conditions of its passage No 312, 18 April 2016 - government website - 4/16144258
- New law on alternative civilian service came into effect - WRI 13.12.16 - en/es276458
- Belarus: "An alternative service exists, but not for me" - connection-ev 08.03.16 - de276462
- Belarus: Conscientious objector threatened with conscription 7/15144259
- Law of the Republic of Belarus of 4 June 2015 No. 276 on non-military alternative service - National Legal Internet Portal of Belarus 144263
- Belarus: Alternative Service Law "a bad law. But it exists and that's good." - 5/15144264
- Belarus has adopted a law "On alternative service" 10 June 15144265
- ЗАКОН РЕСПУБЛИКИ БЕЛАРУСЬ 4 июня 2015 г . No 276- З / Law on nonmilitary alternative service - ru144269
- Draft Law "On Alternative Service"144270
- Long-waited Alternative Service Law abondoned 2/14144271
- Draft law on alternative civilian service withdrawn from Parliament - 1/14144276
- Protection against repression in Belarus - WRI 07.12.12 - en/de/es/fr276453
- Data submission on authorised medicines (Article 57) - EMA 144281
- Ivan Mikhailov demands to do alternative civilian service 1/10144282
- Conscientious objector Ivan Mikhailov sentenced to 3 month imprisonment - WRI 2/10144283
- Erarbeitung Zivildienst-Gesetz und Freispruch KDV - 2010144287
- Conscientious objector Ivan Mikhailov sentenced to three months imprisonment - WRI 01.02.10 276454
- New draft for a law on substitute service? - WRI 01.03.10 - en/es276459
- Conscientious objector Dzmitry Smyk charged for refusing military service - WRI 10/09 - en/de276455