- India Special Weapons (FAS)37255
- Indian Missile Programs - Special Weapons (FAS)37256
- Movement in India for Nuclear Disarmament (MIND)37257
- Indian Scientists Against Nuclear Weapons (ISANW) (Archive 2007)37258
- Shakti Nuclear Weapons Tests - India Nuclear Forces37259
- The Indian Nuclear Bomb Tests Canada's Role37263
- News Stories on Indian N-Tests Canada's Role37264
- Canada's Role in the Atomic Bomb Programs of the US, UK, France India37265
- Tritium from Power Plants gives India an H-bomb capability37266
- Nuclear Proliferation: INDIA - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 199837267
- India Nuclear Testing - Greenpeace (Archive 1998)37268
- India's Nuclear Weapons Capability (Archive 1999)37269
- India - US Department of State37271
- Open Letter to Indian Prime Minister Vajpayee - ICBL 1/02 (Archive)37272