- International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War - IPPNW36149
- Physicians for Social Responsibility (USA) - PSR36151
- Medical Action for Global Security (MEDACT) - UK36152
- Medical Association for Prevention of War (Australia) - MAPW242152
- We need irreversible elimination of all stockpiles of nuclear weapons - BMJ 29.09.23376970
- Doctors renew calls for nuclear disarmament - Lancet 16.04.22284070
- Video: Tilman Ruff - Task JANIC 11.01.1336148
- Nuclear weapons are so typically twentieth century - IPPNW 12/1036153
- IPPNW World Congress 201036150
- Beating the Bomb DVD - IPPNW 6/1036154
- Prescription for Survival: A Doctor's Journey to End Nuclear Madness - Bernhard Lown 7/08 (amazon) - recommended36155
- Security & Survival - The Case for Nuclear Weapons Convention (IPPNW) 1999 *.pdf (Archive)36156
- If you love this planet you will change the priorities in your life - Helen Caldicott with Democracy Now 1/0336157
- @ivnstepanov237499