Criminality, Genocide & Ecocide
- Nuclear Famine325631
- The Environmental Legacy of Nuclear Weapons Production: Five Case Studies - ICAN282920
- Reaching Critical Will - Environment and nuclear weapons325622
- ICRC - Nuclear weapons325604
- ICAN - Climate change, famine and nuclear weapons325629
- IPPNW - Nuclear Famine: climate effects of regional nuclear war325626
- ICJ - Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons325603
- Criminality of Nuclear Weapons - CNW128442
- The Toxic Remnants of war project - Manchester, Britain128443
- Nuclear famine - Wikipedia325625
- Nuclear winter - Wikipedia325632
- Nuclear holocaust - Wikipedia325608
- When Carl Sagan Warned the World About Nuclear Winter - Smithsonian 325633
- Pacific Island States propose that Ecocide be adopted as a crime under the International Criminal Court - Earth Governance 11.09.24442280
- Publication: 'Petrobromance,' Nuclear Priesthood, and Police Repression - WILPF 31.07.24428658
- The Terrible Twosome of 2024: Nukes and the Climate Emergency - CD 04.01.24394831
- Report: Nuclear weapons and our climate - ICAN 2024438472
- Documentary: First We Bombed New Mexico: Untold story of the world’s first nuclear bomb detonated in New Mexico 20.10.23423353
- Finding Hope in the Climate - Peace - Disarmament Nexus - PNND 13-20.07.23361601
- Climate Protection and Nuclear Abolition: Developments in Humanitarian Disarmament and Human Rights Since the Release of "The Climate-Nuclear Nexus" - Simons Foundation 28.11…325618
- Even a Small Nuclear War Would Mean Mass Famine - Washington Post 19.11.22325630
- Audio: Billions At-Risk of Starvation: Nuclear Famine Report Briefing - IPPNW 22.08.22308629
- What could a nuclear war do to the climate — and humanity? - Vox 17.08.22325636
- Global food insecurity and famine from reduced crop, marine fishery and livestock production due to climate disruption from nuclear war soot injection - Nature 15.08.22325628
- Nuclear war would cause yearslong global famine - Science 15.08.22325627
- Global food insecurity and famine from reduced crop, marine fishery and livestock production due to climate disruption from nuclear war soot injection - Nature Food 15.08.22300754
- Publication: Nuclear Famine, how nuclear war would cause climate disruption and global starvation - IPPNW 08/22306212
- The Dangerous Double Game: The Coexistence of Nuclear Weapons and Human Rights - E-International Relations 30.05.22325610
- Is it time to call Putin's war in Ukraine genocide? New Yorker 13.03.22325611
- US nuke tests ‘no difference to genocide’ of native tribes - Global Times 14.02.22325612
- The environmental dimension of the use of nuclear weapons - European Leadership Network 12.11.21325621
- Legislators, experts, officials and youth discuss climate change and nuclear disarmament connections - PNND 12.09.21257265
- The U.S. nuclear weapons program left 'a horrible legacy' of environmental destruction and death across the Navajo Nation - Ecocide 06.07.21325614
- Nuclear weapons are illegal at last _ Greenpeace 22.01.21325601
- Nuclear weapons are prohibited under international law - WILPF 22.01.21325599
- International lawyers draft plan to criminalise ecosystem destruction - Guardian 30.11.20227917
- Documentary: Original Child Bomb: The human cost of nuclear weapons - Carey Mckenzie 25.07.20255838
- The Environmental Legacy of Nuclear Weapons Production: Five Case Studies - ICAN 22.04.20325620
- Nuclear Winter May Bring a Decade of Destruction - Eos 27.09.19325634
- Nuclear weapons and the UN human rights bodies - Basel Peace Office 30.10.18280421
- NATO use of depleted uranium in bombing Yugoslavia was ecocide on planetary scale - Tass 04.10.18325617
- Journal: A Criminology of the Nuclear State - David Kauzlarich, 2018325598
- Do nuclear threats constitute incitement to genocide? - WPF 11.10.17325609
- Publication: The human cost of nuclear weapons - ICRC 05.07.16282322
- The Risk of Nuclear Winter - FAS 29.05.15325635
- Nuclear Weapons Tests and Environmental Consequences: A Global Perspective - NIH 10/14325624
- The criminality of nuclear weapons - Waging Peace 03/14325596
- Book: Use of nuclear weapons as an international crime and the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court - Cambridge, 2014325597
- Book: Use of nuclear weapons as genocide, a crime against humanity or a war crime - Cambridge, 2014325602
- Nuclear warfare as genocide - Waging Peace 27.12.13325606
- Ecocide – a catastrophic consequence of nuclear weapons - International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War 28.10.12325613
- North Korean Genocide, Nuclear Weapons, and Food Assistance - School of Public Policy 01.05.12325607
- Report: The Ecocide Project: ‘Ecocide is the missing 5th Crime Against Peace’ - Human Rights Consortium, 2012325615
- The nuclear weapon and genocide: The beginning of a discussion - T&F Online, 2007325605
- Climate threat from nuclear bombs - Guardian 12.12.06325623
- Legality of the threat or use of nuclear weapons - UN 08.07.96325600
- Proscription of Ecocide: Arms Control and the Environment - DeGruyter, 1976325616
- Health and environmental effects of nuclear weapons - WHO 12.09.95325619