- AIC - alternative news - on the Israel/Palestine conflict and Middle East politics - 162400
- Sendika - Turkey (English)162401
- Sendika - Turkish162402
- Sendika - Turkey - facebook162403
- Bianet - Turkey373874
- Duvar - Turkey373875
- Qantara - arab, eng, ger162404
- Israel Social TV is an independent media organization (NGO) working to promote social change, human rights and equality162405
- Raqqa Is Being Slaughtered Silently - Syria162406
- +972 magazine162407
- Middle East Eye - Telegram channel419224
- Mosul Eye - This blog was set up to communicate what's happening in Mosul to the rest of the world, minute by minute by an independent historian inside Mosul.162408
- Mosul Eye - facebook162409
- Mosul Eye - twitter162410
- New Lines Magazine 285839
- Mideast Peace - Tikun Olam 373873
- @intifada453953