- The Intercept54657
- Guardian - Investigative Journalism54658
- Global Investigative Journalism Network54659
- Twitter - @GIJN54660
- EJC - Online Journalism Community : Investigative Journalism54661
- JournalismNet !54662
- Homepage - Documented326576
- Supporting investigative journalism in north africa & western asia (nawa) - NavaMedia246090
- Investigative Dashboard - Dig For The Facts54663
- Network of Iraqi Reporters for Investigative Journalism (NIRIJ) - eng, arab, kurdish54664
- Global : Fund for Investigative Journalism - FIJ -54665
- Belarus : Agentura - Agency for Journalistic Investigations - (English)54666
- Bosnia and Herzegovina : CIN - Center for Investigative Reporting - Sarajevo54667
- Botswana : Centre for investigative journalism54668
- Britain : Bureau of Investigative Journalism 54669
- Britain :Belling Cat - by and for citizen investigative journalists 54670
- Czech Republic : České centrum pro investigativní žurnalistiku - CCIZ (founded 2013)54671
- Eastern Europe: Proxy Platform54672
- Germany : correct ! v - eng, ger54673
- Hungary : Direct 3654674
- Hungary : Átlátszo - Center for Investigative Journalism - Budepest - (Hungarian/English)54675
- Italy : IRPI - Investigative reporting project - (English/Italian)54676
- Latvia : The Baltic Center for Investigative Journalism - Riga54677
- Malawi : Centre for Investigative Journalism 54678
- Moldavia : Journalistic Investigations Center 54679
- Nepal : Center for Investigative Journalism54680
- Netherlands : VVOJ - Vereniging van Onderzoeksjournalisten 54681
- Norway : Skup54682
- Oxford Climate Journalism Network - Tool for Journalists to develop their coverage of climate change.271946
- South Africa : M&G Centre for Investigative Journalism 54684
- Al Jazeera Investigative Unit264631
- Sweden : Association Investigative Journalists54685
- Switzerland : Investigativ 54686
- Switzerland : Swiss Investigative Reporter's Network 54687
- Tunesia : inkyfada54688
- USA : Democracy Now!54689
- Democracy Now! - Wikipedia54690
- Democracy Now! - Instagram192374
- USA : International Consortium for Investigative Journalists - ICIJ (Washington, D.C.)54691
- ICIJ on Twitter54692
- USA : Center for Public Integrity (USA) - investigative journalism in the public interest54693
- Journalists Resource54694
- Twitter - @JournoResource54695
- agentura - Belarus - (Russian)54696
- ARIJ - Arab Reporters for Investigative Journalism54697
- CIN-IJC - Investigative Journalism Center - Centar za Istrazivacko Novinarstvo - Zagreb, Croatia - (English/Croatian)54698
- BIRN - Balkan Investigative Reporting Network54699
- Scoop - eng, rus54700
- 19/29 Foundation for Investigative Journalism - Russia54701
- Save The News54702
- Consortiumnews.com54703
- Pacifica Radio - Wikipedia54704
- Twitter - Frontlineblog54705
- Twitter - Frontlineclub (London)54706
- Investigative Reporting (UK)54707
- Lincoln School of Journalism ! (UK)54708
- Investigative Reporter Greg Palast Explains How The 2016 Election WILL Be Stolen!54709
- Media Democracy Day, 18th October54710
- Centre for Investigative Journalism (UK) - CIJ 54714
- Gavin MacFadyen is a Visiting Professor at City University and the Director of the Centre for Investigative Journalism54715
- Reportage - Magazine of the Australian Centre for Independent Journalism - ACIJ54717
- sporting intelligence - Britain54718
- International Consortium for Investigative Journalists54719
- Transcend - A Peace and Development Organisation for Conflict Transformation by Peaceful Means54720
- Transcend Peace University (TPU)54721
- Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism54723
- Reporters Sans Frontières / Reporters without Borders54724
- International Federation of Environmental Journalists (IFEJ)54725
- Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ)54726
- George Polk Awards54727
- ans Tageslicht - Germany54728
- The investigative Journalism Community - Journalismfund54729