War Reporting
- ICRC - Protection of Journalists333926
- Frontline Club - London303099
- Institute for War & Peace Reporting333929
- Marie Colvin Memorial Foundation333928
- United Nations - Reporting from the Front Lines: Keeping Journalists Safe in War Zones333922
- DW - Disarming disinformation333933
- War Prevention Initiative - Peace journalism done right?333955
- Guardian333930
- Independent333932
- The Conversation333931
- War correspondent - Wikipedia303094
- Embedded journalism - Wikipedia303093
- List of war correspondents - Wikipedia333943
- Marie Colvin - Wikipedia333927
- Weapons of Mass Deception - Wikipedia303098
- Wehrmacht Propaganda Troops - Wikipedia303095
- Generation Kill - Wikipedia303097
- Enemy Image - Wikipedia303096
- Peace journalism: A needed, desirable and practicable reform - Ideas for Peace333959
- Podcast: Embedded journalism in Afghanistan - Frontline Club 333949
- Report: Examining peace-oriented media in areas of violent conflict - Vladimir Bratic333952
- Truth Is the First Casualty in War - Quote Investigator303102
- Who coined the phrase, "The first casualty of War is Truth" ? - Guardian303101
- Geopolitical Games, Human Loss: The Misplaced Focus in War Narratives - Biljana Vankovska 06.01.25448961
- Video: Failing Gaza: Behind the Lens of Western Media - Al Jazeera 05.10.24 (must watch)434640
- Bisan Owda and AJ+ win Peabody Award for Gaza war coverage - Al Jazeera 09.05.24412288
- ‘It has a price’: war photographer Corinne Dufka on capturing conflict - Guardian 26.09.23374399
- Headlines and front lines: How US news coverage of wars in Yemen and Ukraine reveals a bias in recording civilian harm - Transnational 10.08.23366004
- Bias in Media Coverage of Conflict - University of Chicago 13.01.23333944
- The Chris Hedges Report: Ukraine and the crisis of media censorship - Real News 03.09.22303092
- Confronting The Dangers Of A War Reporter - World Crunch 23.07.22333923
- Safety Tips for Journalists in Conflict Zones - ICFJ 25.04.22333925
- The US Press Again Becomes a Conduit for Pro‐war Propaganda - CATO 22.03.22333937
- Truth is the first victim in war - Pearls & Irritations 17.03.22303100
- Examining media bias in the coverage of the war in Ukraine - Thirteen 10.03.22333946
- ‘They seem so like us’: How bias creeps into war reporting - CS Monitor 04.03.22333947
- Proven Positive Effects of Peace Journalism - Professor Jake Lynch 21.07.21333958
- “I became addicted to it”: The Dangers of Being a War Correspondent - Medium 03.02.20333921
- The (potential) impact of conflict news coverage - Springer Link 14.01.20333953
- Peace Journalism in Theory and Practice - E-International Relations 23.12.18333956
- Report - Peace journalism: How media reporting affects wars and conflicts - Kvinna till Kvinna 11.10.18333951
- Visible peace: 5 Strategies to build peace through journalism - Interpeace 03.05.17333957
- War Reporting and the Stories That Can’t Be Told - Fair Observer 02.03.17333940
- Ethical choices when journalists go to war. Propoganda and how it is framed - Ethical Journalism Network, 2016333934
- Journal: Propaganda: Media in War Politics - Univeersity of Wolverhampton 08.10.14333935
- The Risks And Rewards Of Reporting In A War Zone - NPR 23.08.14333924
- Report: Voices of war: Conflict and the role of the media - International Media Support, 2012333938
- Embedded journalism: A distorted view of war - Independent 23.11.10333950
- How embedded journalism distorts our view of war - Guardian 23.11.10333942
- The Impact of News Coverage on Conflict: Toward Greater Understanding - ResearchGate 10/09333954
- Media at War: Issues and Limitations - IDSA 12/00333939