- Impact of Armed Conflict on Children55232
- Marketing of Violent Entertainment to Children - FTC Report 9/0055237
- Media Education - AAP *.pdf55238
- Children, Adolescents, and Television - AAP *.pdf55239
- Sexuality, Contraception, and the Media - AAP *.pdf55240
- Tobacco's Toll: Implications for the Pediatrician - AAP *.pdf55241
- National Institute on Media and the Family - Media Influence on Children55244
- The ``Evils'' of Television: The Amount of Television Viewing and School Performance Levels - 200255245
- How Television Images Affect Children55246
- National Institute on Media and the Family.55247
- Join Together Online - Gun Violence55248
- The Military in the Movies (CDI)55249
- Join Together: A National Resource Center55252
- Beer company supports gun proposal55253
- Texas Education Board protests violent movies55254
- Three Good Kinds Of Risks to Take In High School - TeenLife 13.11.1555255
- The California Wellness Foundation’s violence prevention initiative (VPI) - CPI 08.04.1655256
- How TV Affects Communication and Closeness55257
- Other Differences Between the UK and the USA/Canada (Archive 1999)55258
- Creating Critical Viewers - a partnership between schools and television professionals *.pdf55259
- Berkeley Parents Network: Indoors at Home with Kids55260
- Media Violence - Lion & Lamb55261
- Have Your Say: Is reality TV harmful? - BBC 9/0455262
- Violence Prevention - Connect for Kids55263
- Family Marketing Network - Kids, Youth, Family Marketing55264
- Reach Out and Read - Podcast55265