- Ocean Voice International172152
- International Marinelife Alliance172156
- Sea Shepherd Conservation Society - Wikipedia238008
- Sea Shepherd Conservation Society - protecting marine wildlife worldwide172167
- Global Programme of Action Clearing-House Mechanism, GPA, UNEP, Protecting the Marine Environment from Land-based Activities172157
- WWF - Safeguarding Our Oceans & Coast172161
- Greenpeace Ships172162
- Commonwealth Blue Charter291031
- Oceana - Protecting the World Oceans - Global Headquarters - Washington, USA172166
- Greenpeace - Defending Our Oceans172170
- Coral Vita, Restoring Our World´s Dying Reefs 172171
- Ocean Clean Up172175
- Ocean Unite172176
- Coastal Care 172180
- Beneath the Waves172181
- Oceana - Protecting the World's Oceans172185
- Okeanos Foundation172186
- Deep Sea Conservation Coalition172191
- Marine Safe 188136
- Mission Blue 172196
- Race for Water - a foundation to preserve water172200
- Living Oceans Society (Canada)172201
- Coast Adapt (Australia)172204
- Sea Walls 291026
- Video: PangeaSeed Foundation’s Sea Walls: Artists for Oceans - Vimeo 2019291034
- Plastic Soup Foundation - Amsterdam, Netherlands172205
- Save Scottish Seas172209
- Seas At Risk - tw195310
- Nation Ocean - France172210
- Coast Watch - Europe172214
- Surfrider Foundation Europe172215
- Seas at Risk - Brussels, Belgium172219
- Sea Threads - From the ocean. For the ocean.252060
- David Suzuki Foundation - Conserving Our Oceans172220
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (US)172224
- International Coastal Cleanup Day 2016 - by DeepWave, Germany172225
- Coral Vita261008
- James Michel Foundation261009
- The Marine Arctic Peace Sanctuary (MAPS) - BOI261012
- The Marine Arctic Peace Sanctuary: For People, Nature, Energy and Hope - IUCNcongress2020261013