General Info
- SAVE the ARCTIC - Greenpeace106072
- 2024 Arctic Report Card - NOAA 10.12.24446372
- Arctic Report Card: Update for 2017 - NOAA106073
- Greenpeace - Arctic106074
- Twitter - Arctic Sunrise106075
- Twitter - #SaveTheArctic106076
- @SaveTheArctic106077
- Artic Institute 333111
- CHASING ICE - 2014 Film106078
- Chasing Ice - UK film site106079
- Chasing Ice - Official Trailer 106080
- "Chasing Ice" captures largest glacier calving ever filmed - Official Video106081
- GRID - Antarctic Ice106082
- GRID - University of the Arctic106083
- GRID - Polar & Mountain Environments106084
- Climate change in the Arctic - Wikipedia269879
- Arctic (North Pole) - Wikipedia106085
- Arctic Truth - for whistleblowers106088
- Artic Today - Alaska Dispatch News106089
- Pine Island Glacier - Wikipedia106090
- Why what happens at the North Pole can cause destructive storms in Spain - El país 06.11.24442271
- Zombie fires in the Arctic smoulder underground and refuse to die – what’s causing them? - Conversation 28.05.24420961
- Melt rate of Greenland ice sheet can predict summer weather in Europe, scientist says - Guardian 14.03.24402473
- Two Tipping Points - Artic News 15.08.23385575
- Climate explained: why is the Arctic warming faster than other parts of the world? - International Science Council 03.06.21292114
- Warming temperatures are driving Arctic greening - ENN 22.09.20217210
- FSU teams with 13 other universities to investigate effect of climate change on Arctic ecosystems - ENN 23.09.20217209
- How changes in ancient soil microbes could predict the future of the Arctic - ENN 28.08.20215148
- Emergency situation: the slow-moving tragedy of the Russian Arctic - Open Democracy 27.08.20215223
- Microbes living on air a global phenomenon - ENN 19.08.20214535
- Phytoplankton surge in Arctic waters - ENN 31.07.20213247
- New briefing paper on Arctic change - ENN 25.06.20211234
- Arctic hits 100.4°F - Hottest temperature on record - CD 22.06.20210713
- Study: carbon sink in the Canada Basin is shrinking - University of Delaware 15.06.20209970
- ‘Forever chemicals’ are building up in the Arctic - and likely worldwide - Scientific American 12.06.20211061
- Proposed seismic surveys in Arctic Refuge likely to cause lasting damage - ENN 10.06.20209475
- UNH researchers find wildfires can alter Arctic watersheds for 50 years - ENN 28.05.20208483
- Mapping snow on Arctic Sea ice - ENN 27.05.20208488
- Due to rising CO2, trees might be warming the Arctic - Scientific American 24.05.20208282
- Watch: tiny algae turning snow green 'could create new ecosystem' - Guardian 21.05.20208179
- Ice Apocalypse - Grist 11/17106091
- Arctic Report Card - NOAA106092
- Snow, Water, Ice, Permafrost in the Arctic - SWIPA 2017106093
- West Antarctic Ice Sheet - Wikipedia (makes sea levels rise by 5 m)106094
- Antarctic Peninsula - Wikipedia106095
- Arctic Climate Impact Assessment (ACIA)106096
- Petroleum Exploration in the Arctic - Wikipedia106097
- Arctic Action - Greenpeace USA106098
- The Arctic - BBC106099
- Greenpeace UK106100
- Leading Ocean Researcher Says We Could See An Iceless Arctic in 2017 - RealNews 1/17106101
- Arctic Ocean Acidification International Conference May 6-8, 2013 - Bergen, Norway106102
- Earth's Ice - Climate Change Science Compendium 2009 *.pdf106103
- Artic Council106104
- Conference on Global Leadership in the Arctic: Cooperation, Innovation, Engagement and Resilience - GLACIER 2015 - Alaska, USA (Archive)106105
- People vs. Arctic Oil - Greenpeace195272
- Greenpeace Arctic Action - Beat BP and cheer up a bear!106106
- U.S. Government Selling Arctic Ocean to Polluters (Greenpeace)106107
- Polar Bear Sitings on Wall Street - Greenpeace Arctic Action106108
- BP's Northstar Project - Greenpeace Arctic Action106109
- BP or BS ? - Greenpeace Arctic Action106110
- Four Reasons to Stop Offshore Oil Development in the Arctic Ocean106111
- Historic Shareholder Vote Against BP Amoco's Arctic Oil Plans106112
- Global Warming - Greenpeace Arctic Action106113
- The Solution is Solar - Greenpeace Arctic Action106114
- The Arctic Is ...106115
- 2016 Headlines - arctic.noaa227880
- Report Card - arctic.noaa227901
- NOAA's 2016 Arctic Report Card: Visual highlights - cpo.noaa 12/16227902
- @CAFFSecretariat233086
- @PolarFoundation233087
- @AWI_Media233088
- The Dream - Parvati Foundation261048