Antarctica Wildlife
- Antarctic Glaciers - Wildlife of Antarctica393062
- British Antarctic Survey - Non-native species393150
- Center for Biological Diversity - Antarctica393070
- Hurtigruten - Wildlife in Antarctica393065
- Antarctica Guide - Antarctica Wildlife: A Paradise For Nature393064
- COMNAP - Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) Preparedness, Monitoring & Response393071
- Cool Antarctica - Antarctic Animals - Endangered or Vulnerable to Becoming Endangered in the Future393066
- Wildlife of Antarctica - Wikipedia393063
- Antarctica Tourism - Human Impacts Threats to the Environment - Cool Antarctica393162
- First report of suspected cases of high pathogenicity avian influenza (HPAI) in the Antarctic Treaty Area - SCAR393156
- Antarctica’s Only Native Insect’s Unique Survival Mechanism - ENN 14.02.25457355
- Emperor Penguin Colonies in Antarctica Suffer as Sea-Ice Diminishes - ENN 25.04.24408991
- Video: Emperor penguin chicks jump off a 50-foot cliff in Antarctica NEVER-BEFORE-FILMED FOR TV - Nat Geo 01.04.24417541
- Antarctica’s Looming Threat - The Revelator 04.01.24393069
- Groups warn of further avian flu impact in Antarctica, potential spread to Oceania - CIDRAP 21.12.23393154
- Bird flu set to spread in Antarctic causing huge damage, report says - Reuters 21.12.23393155
- Mass deaths of elephant seals recorded as bird flu sweeps across the Antarctic - Guardian 08.12.23393157
- Conservation efforts are not enough to save Antarctic wildlife - Earth 03.12.23393075
- Bird Flu Reaches Antarctic Region - Yale 25.10.23393159
- ‘Catastrophic’: bird flu reaches Antarctic for the first time - Guardian 24.10.23393158
- Emperor penguins, krill at risk from sea-ice loss - WWF 12.10.23393068
- Antarctic wildlife: Risk of Avian Influenza - European Polar Board 13.09.23393072
- Emperor penguins: thousands of chicks in Antarctica die due to record-low sea ice levels - Guardian 25.08.23368494
- Antarctic tourism is booming – but can the continent cope? - Guardian 25.06.23393161
- Impacts of tourism in Antarctica - IUCN 06/23393074
- Hundreds of Thousands of Birds Simply Didn't Breed After a Stormy Summer in Antarctica - Gizmodo 17.03.23338001
- Is Traveling to Antarctica Environmentally Defensible? - Sierra Club 12.03.23393160
- More than 100,000 tourists will head to Antarctica this summer. Should we worry about damage to the ice and its ecosystems? - Conversation 04.01.23393164
- Most Antarctic animals and plants are set to decline by 2100 - New Scientist 22.12.22393067
- Antarctica’s Tourism Boom Could Be Stressing Out Penguins - NC State 30.11.22393163
- Invasive species threaten Antarctica's biodiversity - Copernicus 20.01.22393153
- Antarctica’s unique ecosystem is threatened by invasive species ‘hitchhiking’ on ships - Conversation 11.01.22393148
- Antarctica: Invasive species 'hitchhiking' on ships - BBC 10.01.22393149
- Maintaining Antarctica’s isolation from non-native species - Science Direct 01/22393151
- What are the real environmental impacts of Antarctic tourism? Unveiling their importance through a comprehensive meta-analysis - Elsevier, 2022393166
- Baby Penguin Tries To Make Friends | Snow Chick: A Penguin's Tale - BBC Earth 18.12.21417546
- Tourists are bringing invasive species to the world’s largest remaining wilderness - The Hill 07.12.21393152
- Throng of new penguin colonies in Antarctica spotted from space - Guardian 05.08.20213464
- Microplastics found in Antarctica's food chain for first time - EcoWatch 24.06.20210895
- Which animals will win and lose in a warming Antarctic? - Frontiers 29.01.19393073
- Journal: Warming by 1°C Drives Species and Assemblage Level Responses in Antarctica’s Marine Shallows - Ashton, G.V et al, Current Biology 31.07.17174443
- Thought Antarctica's biodiversity was doing well? Think again - Science Daily 25.04.1789317
- A Penguin's Guide to Romance | Penguinpalooza - Nat Geo WILD 22.04.17417540
- Does tourism endanger Antarctica? - DW 30.03.16393076
- Tourists in Antarctica cause of major concern - Science Daily 26.12.09393165
- Wildlife and tourism in Antarctica - CABI 28.05.08393167