General Info
- Food & Water Watch - Corporate Control of Water57172
- Food & Water Watch: Water Privatization: Facts and Figures57173
- Water Privatization - Wikipedia57175
- Flow the Film57176
- ICIJ: The Water Barons57177
- Debatepedia: Water Privatisation57178
- Liquid Assets: the Big Business of Water (CNBC Documentary)57179
- Pacific Institute: Water Privatization57180
- Food Is Power: Water Usage & Privatization57181
- Water Makes Money456750
- Here’s how much you would’ve saved if water had been in public ownership - LFF 16.04.24408369
- ‘Water is more valuable than oil’: the corporation cashing in on America’s drought - Guardian 16.04.24407869
- Book: The Price of Thirst: Global Water Inequality and the Coming Chaos (Karen Piper 2014)57182
- Book: Contested Water The Struggle Against Water Privatization in the United States and Canada (MIT 2013)57183
- Book: Privatizing Water: Governance Failure and the World’s Urban Water Crisis (Karen Bakker, 2012)57184
- Book: Water Wars: Privatization, Pollution, and Profit (Vandana Shiva, 2002)57185
- 'Inappropriate, Unjust, and Unreasonable': 300+ Groups Slam Duckworth Water Privatization Bill - CD 13.07.20213315
- The War for Mexico’s Water - Foreign Policy 07/1557186
- Water privatisation: a worldwide failure? - Guardian 01/1557187
- Water Privatization Debate Continues Worldwide - RWL Water 12/1457188
- World Bank wants water privatized, despite risks - Al Jazeera 04/1457189
- Report: The Global Politics of Water Grabbing - IDS 11/1357190
- The New “Water Barons”: Wall Street Mega-Banks are Buying up the World’s Water - Global Research 21.12.1257191
- Privatization Pushback: Civil Society Slams Water Privatization Conditions for EU Bailouts - Common Dreams 10/1257192
- Report: Water grabbing? Focus on the (re)appropriation of finite water resources - Water Alternatives 06/1257193
- Africa: trapped in water privatization - New Internationalist 06/1157194
- First Our Homes, Now Our Water? - Common Dreams 8/1257195
- Reporrt: Trends in Water Privatization - Food & Water Watch 11/1057196
- Trailer: Water Makes Money - Hermann Lorenz 07/10456753
- Water Privatisation and Renationalisation in Bolivia: Are the Poor Better Off? - IPCIG 16.10.0957197
- Activists Slam World Water Forum as a Corporate-Driven Fraud 3/0957198
- Water Privatization - Boon or Multinational Corporate Conspiracy 11/0757199
- Water Is a Human Right How privatization gets water to the poor - Reason 08/0557200
- Water Privatization: Ask the Experts - BBC 12/0457201
- A debate on water privatization, part one - Grist 07/0457202
- A debate on water privatization, part two - Grist 07/0457203
- A debate on water privatization, part three - Grist 07/0457204
- Report: Diverting the Flow: A Resource Guide to Gender, Rights and Water Privatization - WEDO 11/0357205
- Bechtel's Water Wars - Corp Watch 01.05.0357214
- Report: Water Privatization Fiascos: Broken Promises and Social Turmoil - Public Citizen 03/0357206
- World Bank, IMF: Privatize Water Utilities 1/0357207
- Leasing the Rain: The world is running out of fresh water, and the fight to control it has begun - New Yorker 04/0257208
- Report: The New Economy of Water: The Risks and Benefits of Globalization and Privatization of Fresh Water - Pacific Institute 02/0257209
- Report: The Global Water Crisis and the Commodification of the World's Water Supply - Global Policy Forum 04/0157210
- SUEZ (France) - Wikipedia57211
- Veolia Environment (France) - Wikipedia57212
- RWE (Germany) - Wikipedia57213