- International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL)37844
- International Campaign to Ban Landmines Jody Williams - Peace 199737845
- ICRC / Red Cross37846
- International Network on Explosive Weapons - INEW37848
- World Revolution - Landmines37849
- Landmine Action - promoting international humanitarian law - London / Britain (Archive)37850
- E-Mine - Electronic Mine Information Network / UN Mine Action Gateway37851
- Mines Advisory Group (MAG)37852
- US Campaign to Ban Landmines37853
- Monterey Institute of International Studies (MIIS)37855
- Adopt-A-Minefield37858
- Mines Action Canada37859
- German Initiative to Ban Landmines37860
- World Without Mines - Welt ohne Minen - Zürich37861
- Menschen gegen Minen (MGM) - People against Landmines - Germany37862
- Campana Colombiana Contra Minas37863
- UXO Lao37864
- Campaign Against Antipersonnel Landmines - Political Resources37865
- Halt Mine Use in Myanmar (Burma)37866
- GreenHeart Foundation (Bhutan textiles)37867
- Uganda Landmine Survivors Association - Wikipedia37868