- Why the new UK government should support a treaty on autonomous weapons - Rethinking Security 17.07.24425594
- Ukraine Goes All-In on Ground Robots - FP 17.07.24423277
- AI’s ‘Oppenheimer moment’: autonomous weapons enter the battlefield - Guardian 14.07.24423278
- Never mind killer robots, AI’s war strengths lie in sensing and strategy - Economist 12.07.24423275
- The Era of Killer Robots Is Here - NY Times 11.07.24423276
- The Era of Killer Robots Is Here - NY Times 09.07.24425596
- ROBO WAR China set to release killer robots into battle ‘within two years’ - The Sun 06.07.24421684
- AI and Ukraine drone warfare are bringing us one step closer to killer robots - Tech Spot 04.07.24421685
- A.I. Begins Ushering In an Age of Killer Robots - NY Times 02.07.24421681
- Tweet: Gov’ts and companies are rapidly developing weapons systems with increasing autonomy. These #killer robots could be used in conflict zones, by police and in border con…421683
- Imaginations of Autonomy: On Humans, AI-based Weapon Systems and Responsibility at Machine Speed - Stop Killer Robots 24.06.24421682
- Pope Francis calls for ban on ‘lethal autonomous weapons’ at G7 - Al Jazeera 14.06.24418798
- Tweet: This year, the EU approved a historic artificial intelligence regulation. Although #EUAIAct does not concern the military use of #AI, the European Parliament already d…417703
- Australia Needs to Act on Killer Robots - HRW 04.06.24417701
- Keeping Control Human: Youth insights from the Vienna Conference on Autonomous Weapons - Stop Killer Robots 16.05.24417702
- Tweet: #TeamHuman was in Vienna for two important meetings on #KillerRobots earlier this month - including the largest ever gov't meeting on #AutonomousWeapons outside of the…417704
- Resounding Support for a ‘Killer Robots’ Treaty - HRW 02.05.24412241
- AI-Powered Killer Robots May be the Future of War - Bloomberg 30.04.24412236
- Humanity at the Crossroads: Autonomous Weapons Systems and the Challenge of Regulation - BMEIA 30.04.24418740
- AI Faces Its ‘Oppenheimer Moment’ During Killer Robot Arms Race - Bloomberg 29.04.24412240
- Austria calls for rapid regulation as it hosts meeting on 'killer robots' - Reuters 29.04.24412239
- The road less travelled: ethics in the international regulatory debate on autonomous weapon systems - Humanitarian Law&Policy 25.04.24415007
- Will Fearless An Tireless Robots Lead To More Terrifying Wars? - War On The Rocks 24.04.24412242
- Listen up, UN: Soldiers aren’t fans of killer robots - The Bulletin 17.04.24412238
- Increasingly, Wars Are Being Fought by ‘Killer Robots’ - World Politics Review 10.04.24412237
- America’s Next Soldiers Will Be Machines - FP 06.04.24412243
- Pentagon Urged to Just Say No to AI-Powered Killer Robots - CD 26.03.24405282
- Don’t Fear AI in War, Fear Autonomous Weapons - Bloomberg 12.03.24402664
- Use of robots for military purposes in Gaza - Stop Killer Robots 04.03.24402662
- New Report Warns of the Rise of Killer Robots - CD 29.02.24402665
- AI Warfighting Is Dangerous, Lethal, Costly Without Protections - Public Citizen 29.02.24401561
- Imagine killer AI robots in Gaza, in the Donbas - Responsible Statescraft 27.02.24402663
- The Killer Robots Are Here. It's Time to Be Worried. - The Nation 23.02.24402661
- Tweet: What are autonomous weapons, aka killer robots? They're not the half-human, half-robot creations you've seen in films. - @ICRC_uk 07.02.24396988
- AI on the march—a new age of killer robots? - DW 07.02.24396980
- Twitter: "The development of autonomous weapons in the opinion of @Amnesty…is going to lead to the transformation of warfare, but not to the protection or greater protection…396986
- The algorithmically accelerated killing machine - Medium 01.02.24396987
- Tweet: Laura Nolan is a software engineer and member of our campaign who recently spoke to @AJUpFront about the use of the Gospel, an automated targeting Israel is using in …396983
- Video: AI 'killer' robots: the future of the military? - DW 26.01.24396981
- France Should Commit to an International Treaty on Autonomous Weapons - HRW 15.01.24394490
- Killer Robots: UN Vote Should Spur Action on Treaty - HRW 03.01.24396982
- Video: Inside Geneva: How to cope with killer robots - Swissinfo 18.12.23389667
- The AI-Robot Wars: Is Dystopian Science Fiction Becoming a Reality? - CD 15.12.23389668
- Tweet: UN Under Secretary General for Disarmament Affairs @INakamitsu delivers her opening address for the meeting on Indo-Pacific Perspectives on Autonomous Weapons in Man…389669
- Tweet: "Indo-Pacific nations have both unique security dynamics & significant technological capabilities with great potential to further disarmament & arms control" - @INakam…389671
- Proceed with caution: Lords warn over development of military AI and killer robots - Drone Wars 04.12.23387868
- Use of automated targeting system in Gaza - Stop Killer Robots 01.12.23387866
- Tweet: The government should proceed with caution in development and use of AI in autonomous weapons. Today we publish our new report looking at use of AI-enabled autonomous …387869
- ‘A mass assassination factory’: Inside Israel’s calculated bombing of Gaza - +972mag 30.11.23387870
- A.I.-controlled killer drones become reality - Modern Diplomacy 26.11.23387867
- As A.I.-Controlled Killer Drones Become Reality, Nations Debate Limits - NY Times 21.11.23387865
- Joint call by the United Nations Secretary-General and the President of the International Committee of the Red Cross for States to establish new prohibitions and restrictions…375497
- Tweet: In a joint appeal the Secretary-General of the UN, @antonioguterres and President of the @ICRC Mirjana Spoljaric are calling on political leaders “to urgently establis…375492
- Open Letter: UK Government must ensure that meaningful human control is maintained in the use of force and support the resolution on autonomous weapons systems - UK Stop Kill…375493
- Tweet: What are the new weapons emerging now in today’s wars? Are they ethical? - @ICRC 04.10.23375498
- Tweet: At #UNGA78, states will have an historic opportunity to demonstrate commitment to progress on autonomous weapons systems through a resolution that will be tabled at #…375500
- Tweet: In October, the United Nations General Assembly will vote on the first-ever resolution to regulate autonomous weapons. - @NPAdisarm 02.10.23375499
- UNGA Resolution on Autonomous Weapons Systems Gives States Historic Opportunity to #VoteAgainstTheMachine - Stop Killer Robots 28.09.23375496
- Tweet: What are #KillerRobots? Here’s an explainer and why it’s so important that we call on states to #VoteAgainstTheMachine at this year’s #UNGA78 - @BanKillerRobots 28.09…375494
- Should We Preemptively Ban Killer Robots Of The Future? - WorldCrunch 21.09.23375491
- Tweet: Wir fordern die #Bundesregierung auf sich in der Generalversammlung der Vereinten Nationen für ein Verbot autonomer Waffensysteme einzusetzen! Stoppt #Killerroboter! -…372523
- Tweet: The war in #Syria, the #decolonisation of humanitarian work and ‘killer #robots’. To celebrate the 100th episode of our Inside Geneva #podcast we look back at some of …372524
- AI Weapons And 'Killer Robots' - The Mod's News Plans To Spend The Public's Money - Declassified UK 12.09.23372525
- In U.S.-China AI contest, the race is on to deploy killer robots - Reuters 08.09.23372527
- Tweet: Co-authored by Catherine Connolly @AutomatedDR @BanKillerRobots & ECNL's @franfanu the blog discusses the #AIAct & CoE Framework convention & their potential exclusion…366764
- What are the AI Act and the Council of Europe Convention - Stop Killer Robots 14.08.23366758
- War is messy. AI can’t handle it. - The Bulletin 14.08.23366759
- UN Secretary-General calls on states to negotiate legally binding instrument on autonomous weapons by 2026 - Automated Decision Research 21.07.23366760
- UN Secretary-General calls for new international law to regulate and prohibit killer robots by 2026 - Stop Killer Robots 20.07.23366763
- Tweet: Have you explored @AutomatedDR State Positions page? You'll find individual country profiles with short summaries of each state’s position on negotiating a legally bin…360039
- Tweet: A new documentary explores the covert arms race among global #military forces to develop cutting-edge #AI #weaponry. As artificial intelligence advances, the implicati…360037
- Tweet: Since Russia invaded Ukraine, AI-powered drones — both homemade and highly sophisticated — have been deployed on an unprecedented scale on the battlefield. Revisit our…360040
- Tweet: What is your opinion on an AI-enabled robot as your school security guard?... - @BanKillerRobots 14.07.23360035
- Unknown: Killer Robots review – the future of AI will fill you with unholy terror - Guardian 10.07.23360041
- World powers in rush to get killer robots on battlefield in AI arms race, as concerns grow they can turn on humans - NY Post 10.07.23360038
- Tweet: We’re at the #AIforGood Global Summit in Geneva. We fully support the development of #technology to empower and support humanity… surely we can agree that machines mak…360036
- Your School’s Next Security Guard May Be an AI-Enabled Robot - WSJ 07.07.23360034
- Video: The challenge of regulating lethal autonomous weapons - UN News 08.06.23351602
- It's time to stop the drift towards 'Killer Robots' - Peace News 01.06.23367882
- Tweet: Adv technology sharing related to #AI as part of #AUKUS on display - innovation cannot continue responsibly in absence of prohibitions, regulations, limits, guardrails…348181
- CCW Report, Vol. 11, No. 3 (pdf) 20.05.23356168
- Convention on Conventional Weapons runs out of road as states adopt meaningless report - Stop Killer Robots 22.05.23348177
- Tweet: Rauswurf bei den Vereinten Nationen: Wir wurden heute bei den Gespräche zu autonomen Waffensystemen in Genf des Saales verwiesen. Was los war und warum die Killerrobot…348178
- Tweet: States have been “spending weeks coming to agreement that it's illegal to use things that are illegal…I think these discussions have frankly run out of road.” - @BanKi…348176
- Tweet: Wir sind gerade bei den #Killerroboter-Gesprächen bei den Vereinten Nationen in Genf - hier unsere Zusammenfassung des gestrigen Tages. Es wird spannend! - @dfgvk_bv 1…348182
- Tweet: Rausgeflogen. Trotz der großen Fürsprache hat der Chair die Zivilgesellschaft - also uns - gerade des Raumes verwiesen und wir können die Killerroboter-Gespräche nicht…348180
- Tweet: Gerade hat der (sehr bemühte) Chair die Killerroboter-Gespräche der #CCWUN ausgesetzt - er will erstmal mit ausgewählten Staaten hinter verschlossenen Türen sprechen. …348179
- Tweet: Unser Campaigner zu autonomen Waffensystemen @MariusPletsch ist ab heute bei den Killerroboter-Gesprächen in Genf bei denUN. Aktuelle Infos davon gibt's hier von uns…348183
- Are killer robots the future of war? - Al Jazeera 16.05.23346824
- Stopping killer police robots and militarization - AFSC 07.04.23341459
- ‘We don’t want killer robots’ - Swiss Info 29.03.23341458
- Are killer robots a real possibility? - LA Times 16.03.23341447
- Video: Killer robots; Debate over Bay Area law enforcement use of military-grade gear heats up - CBS News 14.03.23341455
- Stop Killer Robots Global Meeting Showcases Campaign’s Strength - Harvard Law School 13.03.23341460
- Video: Stop Killer Robots Closing Statement at the CCW GGE sessions - Vimeo 10.03.23341465
- Digital Dehumanization Paves Way for Killer Robots - HRW 03.03.23333243
- Publication: Compliance with International Humanitarian Law in the Development and Use of Autonomous Weapon Systems: What does IHL Permit, Prohibit and Require? - SIPRI 03/23339405
- More than 30 countries call for international legal controls on killer robots - Amnesty International 24.02.23341456
- Video: How killer robots are changing modern warfare - Guardian 24.02.23331949
- War in Ukraine accelerates global drive toward killer robots - The Conversation 21.02.23341450