- Imran Khan Detained on US Flight over Anti-Drone Activism 10/12129152
- Americans join Imran Khan's march against US drone warfare in Pakistan - Guardian 10/12129153
- CIA's Petraeus Tells White House: 'We Want More Drones' - CD 19.10.12129154
- Inside Pakistan's drone country - BBC 10/12129155
- The air force men who fly drones in Afghanistan by remote control - Telegraph 9/12129156
- Obama won't talk about drones - Politico 9/12129157
- Secret ‘Kill List’ Proves a Test of Obama’s Principles and Will - NY Times 5/12129158
- Striking Al Qaeda - NY Times 5/12129159
- Ministry of Defence plans new wave of unmanned marine drones - Guardian 8/12129161
- “Killing Is a Part of War, and Torture Isn’t” - Empty Wheel 7/12129162
- The Lethal Presidency of Barack Obama - Esquire 7/12129163
- Kucinich: US Drone Program Is ‘Vigilantism Conducted by Robots’ - Common Dreams 6/12129164
- Drone strikes threaten 50 years of international law, says UN rapporteur - Guardian 6/12129165
- Obama White House Rejects Request for Targeted Killing Docs - Common Dreams 6/12129166
- U.S. Targeted Killings Program: A Dangerous Precedent - ACLU 6/12129167
- America is deluded by its drone-warfare propaganda - Independent 6/12129168
- Who Will the President Kill Next? It’s a Secret - Truthdig 5/12129169
- Is Obama's drone doctrine counter-productive? - BBC 5/12129170
- America's murderous drone campaign is fuelling terror - Guardian 5/12129171
- Secret ‘Kill List’ Proves a Test of Obama’s Principles and Will - NY Times 5/12129172
- Turkey's Attack on Civilians Tied to U.S. Military Drone - WSJ 5/12129173
- Inside the Killing Machine - Newsweek 2/12129174
- The Girl Killed by Obama: She "never saw it coming" - GR TV 2/12129175
- Contractors' Role Grows in Drone Missions, Worrying Some in the Military - Common Dreams 12/11129177
- Ethics of drone strikes questioned - Aljazeera 12/11129178
- Drones are Big Business 11/11129179
- How the Drone Warfare Industry Took Over Our Congress - AlterNet 11/11129180
- Cyborg search-and-rescue insects' power source unveiled - BBC 11/11129181
- Drones: Protesting on London Streets - YouTube 9/11129183
- Demotix - 'Down the Drones' protest is held outside offices of General Atomics 9/11129184
- Former Intelligence Chief Blair Calls for End to Drone War - Lobelog 7/11129185
- Do Targeted Killings Work? - Brookings 7/11129186
- US drone strikes in Pakistan claiming many civilian victims, says campaigner - Guardian 7/11129187
- We mustn't ignore the fact that British drones kill too - Guardian 5/11129188
- U.S. doesn't count civilians killed by drones - Salon 3/11129189
- Drones: the next generation - Guardian 1/11129190
- Attack of the drones - Guardian 1/11129191
- Pakistani Drone Victim Seeks to Put US on Trial 12/10129192
- ‘Unprecedented’ Drone Assault: 58 Strikes in 102 Days - Wired / Danger Room 12/10129193
- The rise of the killer machines - Green Left Weekly 12/10129194
- Johann Hari: Obama's robot wars endanger us all - Independent 10/10129195
- Flying solo with Heron - Australian DoD - 8/10129196
- New developments in unmanned air vehicles and land-attack cruise missiles - SIPRI 8/10129197
- India Begins Global Search for UCAVs - Defense News 7/10129198
- Mapping US drone and Islamic militant attacks in Pakistan - BBC 7/10129199
- The Spot-and-Shoot Game: Remote-Controlled Killing - Counterpunch 7/10129200
- The 'Obama doctrine': kill, don't detain - Guardian 4/10129201
- Indiana Connections to Drone Warfare Technology - Fran Quigley 4/10129202
- The Drone Surge Today, Tomorrow, and 2047 - TomDispatch 1/10129203
- Drones command the skies - ForLiberation 12/09129204
- The Pentagon aims to robotise 15% of US armed forces by 2015 - Guardian 8/09129207
- UAVs: The Future of Warfare in America - TruthDig 7/09129208
- Pentagon plans cyber-insect army - BBC 3/06129209
- Market Survey: Unmanned Air Vehicles in Europe - Flug Revue 2/97129210
- Code Pink - Surviving the Killing Fields, a Worldwide Challenge 311861